Do something about this koolio. >:(
Called eykwon, my sis gay. Ask PlushMyon and Rainbowgurl123 (witnesses) for proof.
Bekwon signing out. Peace!
all i have to say is this.
STOP posting stuff like this just Ignor him damn -.-
I will talk to dilly about this name calling at your sis, bekwon, but please remember that in future if you are going to post stuff like this then at least provide an explanation as to what was said and what caused this name calling in the first place.
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hmm that might possibly be a good idea kooio XD
"Rippin' lips and packin' dips" ~Any true redneck can relate
I was der, he did do it. Maybe it was over the top a bit, but no reason to always report when someone offends you. Lada, for example. No reason to report it every time
I was der, he did do it. Maybe it was over the top a bit, but no reason to always report when someone offends you. Lada, for example. No reason to report it every time
Lol you know a situation's bad when you have to say this 😀
why is this such a big topic?! I never called eykwon gay...
Well, apparently my sis said that eykwon responded with insults back at you Dilly, so apparently you triggered something
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Nn, I saw everything. Honestly, I never did see Dilly call eykwon gay, but what I did see was Dilly insult the two in very many ways. Names, gloating when he killed bekwon, insults, acting disgusted when the two came out... frankly, it's horrible. I was wincing as I read every single thing that came up on the chat. And it was rather unfair. Here I am, wondering what caused this bad blood.
Welp, that's enough of my rant. *goes to retreat into shell*
Resident random person and BlazBlue fangirl.
(o>o) mmmpep!
Plush, you over WAY over exaggerating it, way way way over exaggerating it. When he was acting disgusted 'eww its bek', that was all a joke, people do it to other people all the time. Gloating when you kill someone is quite normal I would think. For you to wince at a videogame, that says a lot right there..
Children will be children
But I must say Bekwon was being rather outrageous and disrespectful when he first came on to the new map and seeing his creative was gone, especially how he approached the issue on the forum.
I'm not saying this was a valid reason for Dilly's outbursts at him, but I feel this might've been part of the reason for this entire outburst
Dilly raged too about the reset...
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? i never raged about the reset red...
Sort of...
Cyber did i rage about the map reset? i was really excited about it wasn't I?