Hey all!
I want to make this post because lately I see a lot of players asking me or any other Staff member to give them OP items or make them OP items.
This is not a way to do things. I'm just saying you guys should do it yourself like we all did in the past. Get those items legit and not by asking any Staff or seaofpain to give you those kind of items. These items are really getting in your minds, I noticed that if we don't give you those items you seem to be mad or sad.
Items like those can bring an unbalanced server. I really don't like to be asked to do enchants. I know some Staff may think this isn't a huge problem but I think players should learn to be less asking for items and less dependent on Staff to give those items. You know guys there is something called an area in this server /enchantshop
I wish other Staff would do the same as of it's getting a bit out of control. Players constantly ask for items and sometimes they ask for enchants like Unbreaking 1000 or Sharpness 1000. Isn't that already bad?
I don't care if other Staff don't listen to this but I think it's time to reconsider how we give items or do enchants to players. We Staff aren't here to please you with OP items to eventually abuse them. We aren't even suppose to give you items but we still give them because we think you won't abuse them and we trust you guys.
Take this into consideration because this is getting way too FAR!
I dint even know we had a enchant command
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Ye i agree with u Johnny, all the time people are asking for items but me or ice never give out those kind of things. Its out of control, they're acting like divas
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bro OP items? back in the day we used to kill ender dragon with sticks.
lol creeper, killing the Ender Dragons with sticks XD
anyway, I totally agree, practically every1 has god items, even people who are brand new! took me months to get it cos I did it legit. also saw someone the other day with a sword with every enchant at level 1000 on it! sirmrmansheep took it away because they were PVPing with it (I think). They also said who (a staff) gave it to them, but I wont say who because im sure it isn't JUST them.
This really needs to stop tho, cos its not just items, donaters are giving away money in millions! kcherry (I think) had well over 1mil the other day for example, a doner gave it to him (again I wont say who because its not just them im sure).
Fire melts ice 😛
Yeah Its like people get sad over there eye balls seeing stuff. Like they see a tool they want and they whine and complain like they had it and lost it or unfairly taken. Or if they want a bow or a sword they beg. I have contributed to this problem, never gave anything really OP, just unbreaking X tools and knockback 3 sword i managed to get. Swords/tools loaded with enchants? the only enchant that really seems to further effect pvp as for a sword or tool with all enchants is possibly enhanced thorns, for haveing thorns 3 added to a sword or tool. Other then that there is no real boosts from enchant loaded tools except maybe some little features, like a sword having fortune to get more potatos, or a pickaxe having sharp and looting.
So there the way i see, a sword with fortune isent a problem, as you can aquire it to pick a tool. Same for the Pickaxe, a diamond sword Sharp V overrides Diamond Pickaxe sharp V. So basic enchants on tools/items overall, not a problem.
But. I dont think its the fact of how strong these tools are. Becuase i did give some unbreaking X i managed to get hehe, but thats just unbreaking, how long a tool lasts. Sure if it costed money to repair or there was a proper repair system in place, i wouldn't give, but i repair tools atleast sometimes, and if i would just repair them, why not just give a stronger tool? But i see its got out of hand.
Its more that its like you give an inch, and then a mile is taken, or not taken, whined for. Which what i mean, i would restore people items they said they lost from minigames inventory being whiped or dying without scavanger on before it was turned on. So it kind of became a nice thing like "ill give you stuff back because you lost it unfairly" to me being told "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZ I NEEEED MY GOD BOW AND MY GOD SWORD AND ARMOR PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLZZZ GIVE ME PLZZZ I LOST IT AGAIN!!!!!!" "I HATE THIS SERVER IM LEAVING" kinda bullshit. Its not a favor, its now a demand. Well, i guess try to do a nice thing, it just turns out to be a shit thing. oh well Anyway as i said though, i never have given anything overally OP like a altered sharp weapon, but i did give a knockback 3 sword to a player i managed to get hehe, i told not to use in pvp either.
Way i see, True OP weps, like the 127 all enchant sword that a player manage to get somehow :o! arent really flowing around, just blinged up Sharp V swords and Axes, with unbreaking X max. they cant dominate like a true op weapon can, Even the python/knife (a gun) Is more dangerous then a Sharp X sword!! with a damage of 40.0, its very strong and some players had them. But i havent seen that gun or players with guns really in a while, Which this post imo would have been the same to, sense at one point it seemed all players had guns.
But also, i do notice alot of people ask for altered enchants. and ask me to, but i think that needs to be stopped and not allowed at all.
I think there should be a new rule, Beggers get Muted. You beg for something more then 3 times, your trapdoor is getting shut XD
There is no need to beg, and sometimes its out of control for some dang wood sometimes, WOOD THAT CAN BE CHOPPED WITH HANDS!!!!
I like to contribute, and help get people happy and have fun, but its like not having fun, its like i fed the animals in the wild and now there food habits have adapted to the scraps and food im throwing them, they got to lazy to hunt :S now they just sit and beg, and if you dont feed them they get angry and attack you. Same thing, gave items, relied on me for there items, sit and beg angrily and put me down when they dont get there begged for items, when they should be working and getting it themselves. I just know i contributed to this, being handy dispenser. I mean its also just the fact of wealth at he same time of donators just being thrown around, and the temptation of tools that get people wanting them. So its kinda like a combination of things. Me generously restoring losses with hefty healthy helping of good stuff and supplying help, Misuses also of tools, wealthy donators and players throwing around money, and then just the begging/demanding ungrateful mentality that can be avoided by not even fueling it, letting it satisfy itself. I still want to give people items to build, so they can create nices things, or just homes and places to be to keep entertained but idk if i want to, sense the same thing as i said earlier, it goes from give some stone bricks, to being asked for diamonds and god armor. "PLS I NEED HELP" and just needs milk bucket. a dang milk bucket? 🙁 its bad.
I this post the other staff is pretty much just me because all the other staff think along the lines of "Fuck giving them anything" and im the only one really generous(Johnny to :D,but he made to post so he knows how bad beggers became), like someones armor breaks i restore, lost tools i give them slightly better, and as said give materials to build. But this seems to have been bad. Sense it was just a thing i did for someone, just to help, appreciated or not appreciated i dont care, i dont mind hopefully it wil help out, But i do care and do mind when im being demanded for shit by people that dont even have a single right to beg or demand.
Well bottem line is, People need to stop begging for things they can obtain themselves, and if they see something they cant obtain at the time they are playing they just have to work and find a way to obtain them yourself.
And beggers need to be muted its unnecessary and promotes others to beg
😛 long text, worth teh read. I totals agree
Such a long text, but its true
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Another thing, today i got a complaint from AlbinLe that alot of people has gotten OP items lately. i asked those players and pontus_armundsson (?) said: xxdarkspartanxx something gave it to alot of people when they asked.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If your blaming darkspartan don't. its not just him, its the majority of staff, not naming anyone.
Also, very interesting what you said sirmrmansheep, I definatly think beggars should be muted, and I definatly think you should do that if people beg. It affects the whole servers chat, and often if people find out one person has got something for free, they want something too because they don't think its fair (and its not). There has been so much debate about OP items lately and on my server (whitelisted) its the same, every one wants sharpness 1000 swords because me and my friend phoenix (STEEL_MORBIOUS) has one. In the end we took away ours so no one could complain.
Fire melts ice 😛
I didnt give anything out, i have no OP stuff. I dont even know who that is KOTT!
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pontus_armundsson is on loads! when im on atleast but ur never on when im on...well...im not on very much at the moment but still.
Fire melts ice 😛
I have OP items but I don't use them I like them 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
kott is using an OP sword with looting 127 right now to kill endermen and is getting hundreds of stacks of enderpearls, its pretty harmless (except a tiny bit of lag) but she killed me with it that put it in the chat so people can see what enchants its got and then people want one theirselves. that's why people are probably asking lots, well that's atleast the case on other servers.
Fire melts ice 😛
It was a mistake not my fault u went in the way while i was testing out my sword rofl
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-.- ....don't use it FULLSTOP. other players get jelly and want one too! they just don't know that they can get an even better one in a singleplayer world....my friend STEEL_MORBIOUS always uses sharpness 10000 swords and 1shots the enderdragon XD.....but that's on whitelisted server where everyone can get them so its fine
Fire melts ice 😛
dude we dont care you have them, we just don't like you pvp'ing others with them. Like cmon especially when someone isn't pvping you, you just go 1 shot them for no reason, that pisses anyone off.