Hello guys
So My time at Kraftzone have finally come to an end(was not really expecting that). Years after year i played on Kraftzone, about 2 years now and i cant believe its over for me now. You guys are truely amazing, commuity, people, drama and just being on Kraftzone have been so fun. I think many of you guys will be sticked to my heart, and i will never forget you.
Basiclly why im quitting is because of lost interest to minecraft, things at kraftzone lately have happend fast, and just got time for it anymore.
So yeah, i will miss you all, some more than other but im sure Kraftzone will still go on without me, and be better then ever.
Memories will be remebered. <3 <3
Koolio, I must say you have been truely good server owner. If you never gave me this chance for helping people and gave me that i rank i had, i would never stayed at this server this long. So i just want to personally thank you for this great time <3
Who knows, i may be back sometime
So yeah coming future i wish you all best of luck and enjoy yourself at Kraftzone or wherever you are Please leave a comment on this topic , i just wanna see the love or hate, what you guys feel
Crafters Out... <3 <3
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
Well Cya TheCrafters
even tho we never talked
I will still miss you 🙁
p.s come back soon
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Im Gonna miss You also I wan't that sandwich
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
well crafters you trully were a good staff member. Enjoy and hope to see u soon.
Imma miss you crafters the craft man.
~~I wonder what book koolio is reading ~_~
Well crafters, this is a really sad moment for me and the rest of the staff team.You will be missed alot, and I always thought your building skills are great. Farewell my dear friend :(, I hope you'll be back someday
cya around thecrafters,
I got the feeling you didn't have time for it, maybe if you ever do you can come back on a new leaf.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Bye, Crafters :'c
I also Like That pic :
I'll be back soon.
Imma miss you crafters the craft man.
~~I wonder what book koolio is reading ~_~
That ain't no book ...
....its a picnic menu 😀
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Crafters you were and amazing staff and support always there helping people. Your building skills were exceptional. You will be missed dearly by everyone and I will miss you alot to. Another great player has been lost. Have a good life and maybe we might see eachother again on a server. Peace!
If you see very close you see slyguy47's foot o:
I'll be back soon.