So, me central wikk and koko were trying to catch a pvp logger. Then applejackswords came in. He tried to kill me. So i ran upstairs and my whole chest room was flooded with noobs. KOko, Brandon, apple, DeadChampion, and more people. So I ran upstairs and an invisible person was breaking my doors. So then, I was typing something and on the bottom of fmy screen it said "Stand still. Wait for teleport." I thought it was koko because I sent him a request earlier. But I didnt send him a million. So it had to be an admin. Probably not Koolio. Central was down there moving. But madhead. Doing nothing who knows where. Sort of weird. I think madhead was a bad choice of staff. I think he should be demoted and deranked to member. Thats just me and a few other people. But he is a bad staff. he tped people to volfka to kill him. He dooesnt help at all really. He doesnt care. Hes AFK most of the time. PLEASE DEMOTE HIM. Dont hate me for writing this, but I had good armor with me and there were a billion people in my basement. Madhead. Next time, tp them TO me.
Im sorry for writing this madhead, but its impossible for central to move place and destroy while typing. Koolio was doing something else probably. So that leaves you. Or koko, Brandon, apple, and Dead hack. Probably an admin tping me to them. I saw an enderman in mob disquise. But I think it was Koolo. Maybe you but idk.
If you never saw anyone sending you a request (or vice-versa) and you get that message, it's a people using /tp command. Probably someone is abusing, but I am sure that no one can hack the plugin unless there's a flaw in it.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
No it wouldn't have been me using mob disguise.
I will have a look into who was behind the tp of others to you, as no staff should be abusing tp powers for that purpose.
However I should say I don't care about pvp loggers, so your effort to catch one could have been better spent building something.
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usually madhead is afk, and not saying you do but some people try to find any small reson to demote a player or get them banned, but who knows what happened, anyway, i agree with koolio it's not worth catching pvp loggers, i just say there a 12 year old noob and move on.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
No. It's fun. Gt an admin to put lava down next to them or ask them to make a hole past bedrock
dude doing that makes player rage and complane to us and it's not so fun for us >:O
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Lieing Madhead was AFK at that time i have proof ask him
Lieing Madhead was AFK at that time i have proof ask him
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Uhm... Ask him? That's great proof wow. Someone lying to keep staff. That's totally believable. Yeah. It's either madhead or koko has ForceOp. And he hacks koko DOES probably hack, so, I don't see why you shouldn't believe madhead