I am here to offer a suggestion/addition to KraftZone.
I would like to see a 'sub-server', if you will, added to the KraftZone family; more specifically a Tekkit server.
I would like it somewhat similar to KraftWars, but instead of an entirely new website I would like the tekkit forum added as a sub-forum to keep everyone together. I think where KW lacks (at least for my personal enjoyment) is the community - people want to try KW but do not stick to it because their friends are on KraftZone having a blast or asking for repairs (my attempt at humor).
Along with a shared forum I would like the Tekkit server to have cross-map chat. I understand that may seem impractical or difficult to do but it would be essential. It would allow regular players to communicate with their friends anywhere and know what they're up to - and it is also essential for staff members. Multiple staff members will not always be on both servers so having cross map communication to express issues, ask for assistance and, deal with rule breakers (including advertisers) would definitely be ideal. With a shared task the aforementioned issues would be very simplistic. Accompanied by the shared chat a /server main and /server tekkit command set would be ideal; that way we can switch between servers and deal with players very quickly.
I understand everyone is busy (especially staff (including Kooglio)), so I would not mind offering my assistance in anyway to help put together, manage and help grow the Tekkit server. I play very frequently - enough so that 1 support is able to really cover all support based needs without issues. With a shared chat I can continue my duties on KZ and also enjoy my time on the Tekkit server.
Please feel free to leave your input; expressing what you do and do not like, as well as concerns.
If it is constructive criticism please leave an explanation as to why you feel that way or believe in your opening statement.
Thank you,
Here is more information regarding the Tekkit addon; as well as the whole Technic Pack:
cool sugestion
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
it is a good idea its just that the server might not be able to handle it :/
Accompanied by the shared chat a /server main and /server tekkit command set would be ideal; that way we can switch between servers and deal with players very quickly.
I don't think that would be possible, unless that person would be running on the Tekkit Launcher. Also I'm pretty sure most people on KraftZone or whatever don't have a good enough computer to actually play with a good 30fps.
Also I think it would be better to make a modpack for Kraftzone, and Its own launcher, I already know that KraftZone does have its own launcher that comes with a few mods, but those mods are like optifine, minimap, and those sorta stuff. Basically what I'm trying to say Is that Koolio or someone else can make a modpack that would be awesome & for people who dont have those awesome computers. That way more people can join also, more people will like it, also... I'm also thinking that running 3 servers would be impossible, With the low staff we have, Unless someone who plays alot, and thats very active basically runs the Tekkit server, then I guess... it would work.
i do....
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
another problem is as more and more machines get used the more laggy the sever could get and the lower the fps of those with not so powerful pc's but other than that its a good idea 😛
Accompanied by the shared chat a /server main and /server tekkit command set would be ideal; that way we can switch between servers and deal with players very quickly.
I don't think that would be possible, unless that person would be running on the Tekkit Launcher. Also I'm pretty sure most people on KraftZone or whatever don't have a good enough computer to actually play with a good 30fps.
With a quick search I have found a cross server plugin - I see no reason why it shouldn't work between a tekkit server and minecraft server; for the most part the guts are the same. If not it can be editted. for FPS issues - Tekkit really is not that intensive on a player compared to Minecraft. Optifine and particles toggled off in the options tab would rememdy this. I have the same fps switching between Minecraft and Tekkit nearly 100% of the time.
With the low staff we have, Unless someone who plays alot, and thats very active basically runs the Tekkit server, then I guess... it would work.
As I had stated in my original post: I understand everyone is busy (especially staff (including Kooglio)), so I would not mind offering my assistance in anyway to help put together, manage and help grow the Tekkit server. I play very frequently - enough so that 1 support is able to really cover all support based needs without issues. With a shared chat I can continue my duties on KZ and also enjoy my time on the Tekkit server. So that point was either irrelevant or you didn't bother to read what I wrote!
i like the idea of using the kz launcher to provide a custom modpack for a 'tekkit server' even so I would have to see about performance issues of running tekkit server.
it might be doable with kraftwars still, would have to move the cracked lobby server.
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kooglio....if you need to rebuild the cracked lobby ... can i help?
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
another problem is as more and more machines get used the more laggy the sever could get and the lower the fps of those with not so powerful pc's but other than that its a good idea 😛
I had thought of this too - but do keep in mind chunks are not loaded if you are not in them - so all of these machines built and setup are not constantly running. When a player is online and in their chunk then their machines will be in use. Because of this reasoning is my anchors are banned (keeping chunks active).
Unless there are 100 people online at a time and everyone has a bunch of machines (being used) I don't think that will be much of an issue!
Honestly I think instead of making these suggestions of new servers and modpacks... I think its best to make suggestions on ways to improve the current KraftZone, with plugins and ideas and what not, because If we just think about making more & more servers... soon we're gonna have like 20 servers running...
i would like to play a tekkit server still would prefer one with thaumcraft in it 😛
and exy i believe that some of the machines have anchors such as quarry's and stuff if there still in there 😛
and creeper i dunno maybe or maybe not i don't think we could think of anymore severs 😛
Honestly I think instead of making these suggestions of new servers and modpacks... I think its best to make suggestions on ways to improve the current KraftZone, with plugins and ideas and what not, because If we just think about making more & more servers... soon we're gonna have like 20 servers running...
That is a bit of an overestimate, don't you think?
What is stopping Tekkit from promoting the main server and gaining more popularity through listings and cross server chat?
What is stopping Tekkit from bringing players from online sources (listings) to Tekkit as well as the main server?
What is stopping Tekkit from adding more to the players needs and wants, through KraftZone?
Why do you think Tekkit would affect KraftZone negatively? Do the cons out weight the pros?
If you believe it is best to suggest suggestions that benefit or improve KraftZone (as this does in its own way) then you should make those suggestions!
There is far more to this suggestion that a 'simple' server; it's an addition, an add-on, a plugin, if you will. This is an IDEA; a suggestion. Sure, you could try appealing to regular Minecraft players (when there are thousands of servers), or you could try another way to out-source players; through Tekkit (withfare less servers), but just as active players. With a server tree people will go through them and find what they're most comfortable with.
So as far as your suggestion of 'suggesting' plugins, ways to improve KraftZone with 'ideas' goes, I think I hit that nail on the head, no?
To sum it up with your "suggestion":
Idea: My suggestion of the server is my idea.
Plugin: Plugins are add-ons; technic is an addition to technic and minecraft.
Beneficial to KraftZone: Player count, donations, community.
I'm just saying its Best to have 1 Really good server, instead of 2 crappy ones and 1 good one.
i would like to play a tekkit server still would prefer one with thaumcraft in it 😛
and exy i believe that some of the machines have anchors such as quarry's and stuff if there still in there 😛
and creeper i dunno maybe or maybe not i don't think we could think of anymore severs 😛
You are absolutely right, Ryan!
Quarries do have an anchor surrounding them (I believe it's 3 x 3 give or take), naturally I would like to see quarries limited to a specific size and limited to an amount that the player can place (it is not uncommon for only staff+ to be able to place them).
I'm just saying its Best to have 1 Really good server, instead of 2 crappy ones and 1 good one.
Forgive me here but I don't know how else to put it; I think it's a little idiotic to assume that the Tekkit server will be 'crappy' before having it introduced or even set-up, or that KraftWars will 'remain' crappy (your opinion and assumption). KraftWars is new and Kooglio is really the only one working on making it popular - even though most of his time is consumed else where.
I would like to see a Tekkit server and because of this I would donate my own time in helping to make it popular and the exact oppoiste of 'crappy' (good insight).
I wouldn't mind setting up advertisements, including listings, in my free time - I have a lot of it!
Remember CreeperZx3,
If you insist on continuing to make assumptions, I'll advise you this: assume you will always be wrong!
That is taken from a quote but I changed it to fit this situation!
A while back, I hosted a tekkit server, I am fairly expierenced with this.
/server main and such would not be possible, I believe, as connecting to the server requires mods and a vanilla server wont allow that, plus Tekkit Classic is 1.2.5, so again, not possible.
However, I do believe I suggested a KZ Tekkit Branch before, and I offer my full assistance.
It's a great idea, tekkit is fun with friends, and KZ is a great place for that.
Though, I enjoy Tekkit Classic over it's 1.5 counterpart, and just to say, I didn't find too many issues with finding plugins for 1.2.5 compatible with Tekkit.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Also, connecting cracked to a tekkit server is difficult, compared to premium.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
I would like to see a Tekkit server and because of this I would donate my own time in helping to make it popular and the exact oppoiste of 'crappy' (good insight).
That is possible if you 100% commit to the tekkit Server, also I dont know how you're going to setup advertisements without $$, Even if you actually donate to setup advertisements doesn't mean people are gonna click those advertisements and what not.
If you insist on continuing to make assumptions, I'll advise you this: assume you will always be wrong!
You will never win, if you never try.
Well I won't rule out a tekkit server, I just really cannot stand vanilla server
from what I can see there has been tekkit servers that have used craftbukkit and a some hack inbetween mods to run vanilla server mods on it, but that was the old 1.2.5 craftbukkit version, the newer ones are just straight up 1.6 vanilla minecraft servers with mods for that.
I'd run a tekkit server if I can a suitable tekkit/modpack combination for server and client can be found, something that is in demand for a server to run it, will have to look into it some more.
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