So I have a in-game suggestion that I'd like to... well, suggest!
My suggestion is regarding the current ranks (Staff, Support and Admin).
I would like to see them changed to something more common, such as:
Staff -> Moderator
Support -> Admin
Admin -> Owner
I have a few reasons for this:
1. It will cut the repeatative questioning on what exactly the support rank is - and who the owner is.
Sure we could always just tell them to enter /ranks to see the owner and give them the definition of the support rank but most do not bother to ask when they are unsure.
2. Lack of Support helpfulness.
I've noticed that since I've become a Support player the amount of help people ask me for has dropped drastically - I'm only relying on past history with these players for them to ask for my assitance. I've basically turned into a helper with some extra commands!
Many times people who needed help have not bothered asking me but instead waited for a Staff member to come online.
The "Staff" rank sounds like a real rank in terms of someone that can deal with all player issues - support on the other hand... it sounds like someone who would help you log into Minecraft on the forums or deal with computer issues (Let's face it, I can barely turn my laptop on without problems).
Those are my only two major points - hopefully it is considered; I realize it would be such a huge change after having the Staff/Support/Admin ranks for so long - I know they are unique and I do like that - but I think they should be changed!
I can't stand Moderators or the word of it, they are chat/speech trolls and I don't care for having such trolls. Having them only encourages players to try side with mods against other players who will find anything to be offended about, and you end up with more problems.
A new name scheme for Support is fine I can see the connection Helper and Support
Maybe Support become Staff, and Staff become Support., Or a new title, or just have Staff with tier ranking, like.. |Staff, ||Staff, |||Staff higher tier have more access.
Admin for me is someone who can deal with all issues that come up, including backend stuff, currently I don't give any control of kz server backend/files. If I ever did then I would perhaps move to the owner rank and someone else could have the rank title and the responsibility of it.
Owner anyone who plays long enough will find that out, I don't really need to advertise it, its mentioned in the /ranks anyway.
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That's the way it's always been. I think our unique ranks are nice, and easily understood through use of /ranks. You're messing with the natural order of things. 😛 😛 😛
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
You could maybe turn Support into like "Head-Staff" or something similar... because I think Staff & Admin are fine... theres also the option of re-naming "support" into "Staff" but... it would have more perks... or maybe just op the people who deserve support and just call em' Staff.