I put a lot of thought into this... i want to see a faction server happen on kraftzone really badley. This would attract so many people that play minecraft. because factions are really fun and most the minecraft community is playing this. I used to play them before i started kraftzone a year and a half ago. i hinted to koolio about this idea plenty of times. its just why not add it? you know it would add to the fun and experience to kraftzone a lot! i was thinking there would be a new spawn heading to different server types with different portals... faction,towny,quake,sg, etc. i really think this is a good idea koolio and trust me, you wont regret putting in faction at all. theres really no downs to this idea because its not like this is gonna affect any of the kz experience right now at all. people will play Towny. pvpers will play faction. i know its highly unlikely this would ever happen because it would be alot of work/setup. but i hope you koolio, take this into serious consideration of adding this. i hope you the kz player like my idea because you can make a difference ;).
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
Different server types with different portals... faction, towny, quake, sg
As In Spigot's BungeeCord? Well that's laggy and requires the hosting of several servers, if in fact you are suggesting converting KZ to a server hub
It's just, why not add it?
Towny and factions together don't work that well, however there is a plugin that makes them work together, and assuming their in different worlds...
Well, factions create a pvp minded atmosphere of sorts, if you know what I mean.
In personal experience, I've found that faction servers are more pvp mided, whereas towny servers are more building and socializing
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
As In Spigot's BungeeCord? Well that's laggy and requires the hosting of several servers, if in fact you are suggesting converting KZ to a server hub
Ahahah oh the irony. Sorry to break it to you Hadi but Kraftzone already runs Bungee.
Yeh I'll look at setting up another server with it, We in fact run 2 bungee cord servers, only the lobby server could be noticed as a hub though.. If I added a 3rd factions server the question would be, should it go within the existing kraftzone setup, ie linked from the 2 bungee servers as if it was another Kraftzone server. The benefit being cracked players could still play, the downside, the server would not really get its own platform to start with or even server listing pages.
Or should it have its town ip/port and this would most likely mean no cracked accounts as the only way to provide that setup would be to run another 4th server and 2 extra bungee cord servers which is something I just would not do at this stage. The benefit I'd do its own server name, website, server listings.
"Well that's laggy and requires the hosting of several servers"
Bungee cord on a different physical server from the actual minecraft does seem to have more issues with disconnects happening more often, the ping lag added can be almost insignificant if the location of the 2 servers is not that far apart.... I tried that setup before and the ping added was only like 5ms, but the disconnects and packet loss inbetween the 2 servers ruined the ideal setup. It's a shame but I might try it again perhaps the infrequent packetloss issues I had before with that setup are fixed now as the 2 servers were not that far apart. And it would be good for this new server as its the only way I could get it its own different server ip address with the default 25565 port.
As for factions I guess we would go with that for a start, as I never really bothered playing a faction servers, whats the typical plugin setup? is logblock used or rollbacks no one cares about?
If someone wants to provide a typical plugin setup that would help.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Typically, faction servers are geared more towards griefing, raiding, and domination. The plugin itself is pretty customizable. By itself, Factions runs well without other plugins. You could add some sort of action/trading system plugin (ChestShop is not ideal due to the PvP nature of the server). LogBlock is good to have in general for moderation reasons, but I doubt rollbacks would be a common request. You would also want to have your typical plugins for general use (even if only by Staff) like Essentials, World Guard/Edit, etc.
Hmm..about these "Factions", lets analyse the pros and cons.
- Most players that join lately would love to be able to destroy a faction and pvp eachother
- There is no need to be member to start one
- Factions are more famous than Towny
- Factions can be raided, claimed by more powerful ones, resulting in griefing, sad players and swearing
- Factions will flood the server as you will be able to create one as soon as you join
- Players will focus more on pvp instead of building
Now as I said, lately we have lots of PVP-liking players to join the server, so factions would really please them, but still, you're just gonna make a server dedicated to Factions and PVP? I think it's just going to ruin the whole server attitude. But if it actually succeeds and brings people to the server, then I dont mind at all
Why do you think registered can create a faction? Koolio can change the perms for that to make sure we don't get more retarded people on the server...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
Well got most the plugins setup for it now, and the chat formatting doesn't look like the default crap most faction servers use.
Somethings about it so far
- Mob Rewards is still on (and the zombie spawning when killed issue is fixed turned out it was this plugin)
- No Jobs ( Kraftzone EZ money is gone)
- MCMMO is still on, though PVP abilities from Sword and Unarmed are removed as its unbalanced.
- Lore Stats is back, mobs also drop items with extra stats and its kinda fun.
- Chest protection still using signs (only the protection wears off after 1day(might up it to 2-3days) if you haven't logged on after that anyone can open your chest, so hide that stuff)
- Main world has obfuscating xray protection on, so no xray cheaters can find chests and ores so easily.
- Tree assist will be allowed, most popular faction server has floating trees and it looks ugly as fuck.
- The main world will have a border of about 1500-3000 to start with, want to get some warz going, if player count rises I'll keep increasing the world border.
- TNT will be allowed, however it will be for the rank above the default rank (Somewhere around 20-40 votes and you will be allowed to blow shit up)
- Existing Staff and helpers will have same ranks to start off with, though in keeping with not wanting to split playerbase up, it might later come down to which server they really want to dedicate there free time to help on then they only keep rank on that server, as I can't have same staff on multiple servers as it doesn't give a chance to other new players to work there way upto new positions on the server and they won't be able to do an effective job being good staff for players. Obviously this will mean I might be looking for new helper/staff to give a chance to with this server to keep it active, helpful and welcoming for newer players.
Still to setup....
-New server name (I'm open to name suggestions)
-Ranks (currently going with similar KZ ranks, though could go with new style, ie for default rank.. Recruit, Member rank could be named something else dunno yet)
-New website (or sub section of Kraftzone/forum for it)
-More perms and ranks need setting up
-Helper text and custom commands need doing
-Server listing sites /Voting setup
- An epic spawn area building
- New Mob Arena
There is no shop yet, and most likely be using an trading only economy with only a few items sold infinitely from server shop.
Voting rewards will probably be the same (apart from flydiscs which I haven't decided about yet), and I'm thinking of allowing Kraftzone players who vote for KZ, to send over there votes to the Faction server or back depending on which one they want the rewards to goto.
Existing donators at Kraftzone might get a near equivalent rank on the faction server. Though right now as there is no donator ranks at all, it might be left for a while until the other stuff is setup and the server is tested out live.
Want to give this new server a fresh start with a different server name/website ideally, but for now it might just be under Kraftzone, which is good in that everyone you can still connect to the normal ip's and just use /server war to get to this new server. Cracked lobby joining players will have a new portal in which to go through to get to this faction server later on after more is setup.
That's how it will be to start with, feel free to try /server war I'll leave it up and running starting from tomorrow after a few more things are setup.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
- Existing Staff and helpers will have same ranks to start off with, though in keeping with not wanting to split playerbase up, it might later come down to which server they really want to dedicate there free time to help on then they only keep rank on that server, as I can't have same staff on multiple servers as it doesn't give a chance to other new players to work there way upto new positions on the server and they won't be able to do an effective job being good staff for players. Obviously this will mean I might be looking for new helper/staff to give a chance to with this server to keep it active, helpful and welcoming for newer players.
Being a staff myself i was thinking about this. With support having world-edit, worldgaurd and more Towny select commands, it would be more ideal to have them stick to the Towny server as people with factions arnt likely to have their stuff moved or protected. And have the staff dedicated to the faction server as they could do moderation rather than a support that could benefit the Towny server more. This was just a philosophical thought i had based on current permissions.
One more thing, if you had staff or support you really liked and such, would they have moderation access to both servers with more players filling the faction server?
I cant really build anything.
Some nice rank names.
You could also put mob names as ranks.
Like Chicken as Weakest, and Wither Strongest.
Also i would like to be some kind of Helper/Staff on the Faction Server, i'm ver familiar with it.
lawl sly, kinda forgot all about the cracked player's hub
This sounds like a great Idea, though will prove to be a lot of work.
I offer my services in assistance to this task.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
=================KraftZone Faction Branch Names=================
KraftZone Faction Edition
Kraftzone 2.0
All i can think of that belong at the top of lists
I cant really build anything.
Hey guys Im back for the action so these are my current ideas!!! down below
how about to help the server out with donations if the server is gonna probably be also a faction server which i dont mind because i'm playing on one. and i've got some ideas if it could help Koolio to pay the monty bills.
What I was thinking was maybe kits of TNT or potions and Koolio would set a price for them and set what do you get when purchasing the kits. I was thinking about you get 5-10 TNT for 10$ or maybe less.
New ranks: IceLord <------ dont copy the name its actually in another faction server maybe change it to whatever you want... and then in each new rank they would have custom kits that they can use every 2 days or 24 hours, some diamond armor with prot. 4, some
golden apples.
Out of curiosity will they both be individual servers?
If they are both individual servers willl they both have seperate voting sites or would it be one combined vote? I'm wondering if it would effect the voting rankings (on the voting sites) if they votes are split, probably meaning we'd get less people -- but if they're on the same page will the faction server really become popular if the main server is advertised?
I haven't got to that stage yet (as you can't register a server unless its actually running), but voting sites often want seperate server ip for each server.
Which is possible, infact its good news for cracked players, as it will mean a new lobby server for the faction will be needed in order to collect votes
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
- Existing Staff and helpers will have same ranks to start off with, though in keeping with not wanting to split playerbase up, it might later come down to which server they really want to dedicate there free time to help on then they only keep rank on that server, as I can't have same staff on multiple servers as it doesn't give a chance to other new players to work there way upto new positions on the server and they won't be able to do an effective job being good staff for players. Obviously this will mean I might be looking for new helper/staff to give a chance to with this server to keep it active, helpful and welcoming for newer players.
I think that sounds like a pretty good idea. As most people holding the aforementioned ranks are playing around on KW I think we should have a way to contact them until the above quote is placed in affect since we do get issues on KZ and few are on that can actually deal with the problems at hand... I mean we could possibly hop over to another server but that seems like extra work :-P.
Are Support ranks included in the above quote as 'Staff'? Or will they share their ranks on both servers; will it depend on the outcome of which server they actually want? For example if all Supports were to say they wanted to stick to KW would they be kept as both so we have access to Support players on KZ?
I noticed that a pop up for a staff forum came up in chat mentioning KW vs KZ so once everyone decides will there be a public announcement letting everyone know (who isn't Staff+) the outcome?