Hello There.
My ingame name is yeahbuddy730, My real life name is Dyllon, I'm 14 years old but that doesn't mean im bad at minecraft...which i know i am quite good with most things in the game.
I'm mod on two servers, but not that any of that would help. I'm a good builder and i would be up for a go to help with what ever is needed.
Towny is my favourite server of all and i guess this server is towny :)...I really like the server because it has got alot of nice people and it is lagg free which ive had trouble with alot of servers with lagg.
Im a nice person, i will not insult or harras anyone that play's on this server. I will not abuse -users with my powers if i get the job.
I play minecraft everyday of the week for at least 3-4 hours a day, I live in australia,Victoria,
Thank you -yeahbuddy730
Yeahbuddy you need atleast 100 hours of playtime. and you just started on the server today lol and you have only stayed for 13 mins.
You also should put more information why you deserve this rank.