My in game name is kcherry(Kaleb cherry) I'm trying to learn a lot about minecraft I hope to learn a lot I hve never been good at minecraft but I can learn this is the best server in the world if koolio join Me and my friends server as soon as i saw hes name i would make him admin thts how cool he is well im not good at this type of stuff so its short and this is all
I don't think I will get it. :{
What does this have to do with the wiki?
I cant really build anything.
Don't try to mislead people with the title, things like that, and spamming will make them trust you a lot less.
kcherry what is this post...In the title you have "wiki" and you're asking Koolio to join your friend's server?..I can rate this as spam and advertising, and stuff like this can lead to serious consequences...
One thing is for sure, you definitely could not join the wiki team with English that bad. I'm just confused by it
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Wow cus my English rly
in my opinion its confusing because he did'nt add periods "."
Wow cus my English rly
Yes, your english. YOu can't tell when a sentence ends, it is really difficult to understand what you try to say. And a wiki needs understandable english so the wiki can actually serve a purpose apart from being a collection understandable texts.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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I'm 12 you think I should have perfect english
kcherry if you are going to apply for a position that requires good use of the english language, then yes you should at least make sure you are going to be good at it. No one expects you to have good english, except if you wanting to do something that kinda requires it.
kcherry rocket scientist application to NASA (a black hole for public funding):
My in game name is kcherry(Kaleb cherry) I'm trying to learn a lot about rockets I hope to learn a lot I hve never been good at rockets but I can learn this is the best planet in the world if Bob join Me and my friends planet as soon as i saw hes name i would make him chief scientist thts how cool he is well im not good at this type of stuff so its short and this is all
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kcherry rocket scientist application to NASA (a black hole for public funding):My in game name is kcherry(Kaleb cherry) I'm trying to learn a lot about rockets I hope to learn a lot I hve never been good at rockets but I can learn this is the best planet in the world if Bob join Me and my friends planet as soon as i saw hes name i would make him chief scientist thts how cool he is well im not good at this type of stuff so its short and this is all
I cant really build anything.
Thts wht I think u look like Koolio
... I think Bob already got a job as chief scientist at the NIA (Nuclear Industry Association) ... Griefing the world, with a nuclear power plants making MOX fuel and then leaking it into in the pacific ocean... oh damn that's already happening.
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Uhhhhhhhhhh wht?
Ok then
interesting outfight kcherry, perhaps you predict the future of America west coast in 5years time, I wouldn't even go there with that RAD protection 😉
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lol its me in 3 5 years duh
Lol why would he look like that