In-Game Name:UhOhKarizma RealName: Dylan Braund
Position: Staff
Playtime: 14 days Including Ambush23
Date Registered: 12/12
Express Desire to Help:I am a long time meber. back in i think 2012 or 2013 some stuff went down that i regret. My old account was Ambush23 as you all remember me. I have been helpful for the years ive been on KZ from building skyspawn with koolio to helping the new or old members of KZ.I am a loyal person and a honest person i love to bring happiness to people and love to make a new friends every were i go i may have a few rough spots with some old members like lada and me with the bickering and fighting but thats in the past theres a new me and a more mature me.
Traits:I am a honest, Nice, Helpful person in-game and real life i strive to make my friends, family and KZ companions happy yet keep it fun at the same time
Past Moderator or Administrator Experience: I have been staff before on this server and have been an admin and Mod on 2 other servers that crashed years ago.
Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone: I know all the commands due to the fact that i was an admin awhile ago on another server and ik WorldEdit and WG.
The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player:A year ago i remember staying up all those nights with koolio and reddneck just working on sky spawn the amazing feats i have accomplish in MC have all been on this server from My Dwarven Miner Fortress to My small medeival Zantorian Town.
Anything Else you feel needs to be known in consideration of your Application: I am Ambush23 and i would like a second chance on a server that started it all for me . this server KZ is like my home all my feats are on this server and all my respect goes out to it and its players #KZForLife LOL ::)
I am just saying To everyone and koolio that reads this. That you dont know how happy i am to be back and how sry i am for when i left and all i ask for is a second chance to prove myself.:)
everyone else gonna say same thing : Just cuz u was staff Before... Doesn't mean that you're gonna get staff, just cuz you 'say' u came back.
Ha creeper true but i dont need the smart but comment becuase i was a memeber long before u bub and u have no clue why i left.
Its great you wanted to come back, but you gotta hold off on the wanting staff rank.
Like I said before its early days. And there is many others who have been on since
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ik staff but im sry I didn't know u added a new rank so if there is anyway I can atleast get helper or something that will put my mined at ez because leaving was stupid but I had todo it because you know why koolio and then the things that happened when I was gone sucked
when I say fresh start, that doesn't mean asking for staff/helper within less than a week of coming back..
takes time and there is other players to consider.
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