Howdy. IcyNeko here. I'm usually the quiet one digging and building except for some recent crazy episodes and the occasional yo mama joke. 😀
What I bring along: Humor, Logic, Fair Arbitration, Redstone Building Experience, Refugees from the MC server I used to frequent before it went belly up.
What I can do to help: I'm a builder. I build redstone devices. I also do 3D and 2D art when I have all the tools to do so (wool galore). I also write Java code.
Age: Older than most of you.
Hours available: (weekdays) Sporatic during the day, usually 10PM-1AM EST (weekends) Varies. Tends to be in the afternoon time (after 1PM EST)
Total Playtime: 200+ hours across a few servers.
I work well with teams, and am patient and willing to stare down a problem until it resolves itself, I pick things up pretty quickly, so what I lack in raw experience (server management, plugin controls for plugins I haven't used), I tend to learn pretty fast.
Of what? Stuff I've built? It's redstone, so it would be better to see it. If it's stuff I've done as art.....
Icy is the man for this job. I have been on several several servers with him and he is a very good builder/redstoner. He is pretty good with wool, from what I remember. He make complex redstone stuff, if you want to see it go to his houses and my house to check it out. Again, he is the man for the job, he deserves it.
Here are a few examples, as per request...
Early in my minecrafting.... I decided to take a day or so and created a stargate. I have a few plans in mind on how to make a working stargate that opens when you dial the DHD.
Built this nyan cat near a farm I built in the middle of no where...
Got bored one day, so I decided to play with the Dynmap users...
This isn't Architect, this is more of an Artist rank tbh.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Yea, Lunar's right. I support for Artist though.
Ok, whichever one it is, icy is the man, as i stated before, he is the man.
Haha. True. But that's just my art side. Redstone work that I do is harder to show in screenshots.
Here's a new one I'm working on for our server.
I'm planning it to have a few features on there... including functional elevator, several R&D floors for redstone research, lots of places to live and farm. IN essence, a huge usable living accomodations and research outpost.
Dayum son! :O
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
hi john
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Hi Blue 😛
Of course, the minute I post this on the forums, some clown has to go up there and grief it. Thanks stealth787. And please return the diamond blocks you stole.
stealth has been a troble lately
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Ugh, the urge to spellcheck bluedude's messages. MUST.RESIST.TEMPTATION.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
did it just fur you 😉
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Lies -rewrites- furfor :O
Think dirt is useless? Think again.