Ok Guys this is my staff app. I hope you guys give feedback regardless of what it is. It would mean a great deal for me.
Age: 16
Joined server: august 31
Account name: Lada and Forsiss
Votes: 226
Playtime 504 hours
Timezone: Central
Ranks I have earned/am: Forester, Mem+, Voter+, Architect and currently Donator
I play alot on this server. I help out alot and i usually build when not helping. I have been on this server quite a while now. I help people with things ranging from commands to building and more. I try to help out the most i can. I come on this server daily. I vote alot to. I help out people when there is not staff/support/koolio. I think I would do great for staff. I help out alot, vote alot. play alot and help out many people. I also want to prevent grief i have been griefed many times and it isn't a nice experience.I have knowledge of We and other cmds. I have been admin on other servers. And i can help out a great deal to people and this server. I got some comments that were really helpful and jp123loz i have improved on what you told me to. I just tend to ignore bad comments. I hope you guys consider this application. Any feedback would be thankful.
It doesn't help to post more staff apps, we know you want staff... :O
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
-Ex Registered
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-Ex Voter+
-Ex FeatherClub
-Ex Architect
-Ex Staff
-Ex Support
-Currently Donator
ye lol i Just needed to revise it xD
Lol... bump it?
If you wanted to make a new staff app, please just edit your old one.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Well ok, but i have barely made that many staff apps compared to some of the others.
kOOLIO please take a look at mah staff app
So koolio I heard on Jp's post that if you have been with server for a year that I should polish my staff app and post it. That I have done please take a look at it and consider it. I will be very helpful to your server.
I'm just going to say this... begging won't help you
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
"For a year"
Since last year
Otherwise, you'd not be qualified
In fact, the only 6 or so that would fit into that category are either demoted or currently staff 😛
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Lunar its not begging. I'm just putting it out there. Koolio said post it I did it. Seriously why not just dtop posting shit on my staff app. "OH your begging" Really. I just asked him to take a look. Jeez
You're begging 😀
Dilly stop commenting shit on peoples staff apps. Stop being such a loser. You comment this retarded stuff on everyone's posts. Seriously you've been shunned so many times for it. Just stop commenting this shit and it goes for everyones posts dilly
It sounds like your mad that you either got denied or I'm doing this to make you mad 😛
Btw ^ that post was shit 😀
kOOLIO please take a look at mah staff app
And that looks like you're begging. You said Koolio in all caps 😛
You both need to quit the childish bickering.
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
lada this is what i would say to you bout all this. ur a good player, a good builder and usualy pretty calm and co-running a badass town :P. what i would suggest is that you spend time working to prove that your up to the challenge. spend time helping and answering questions, always welcome new players and try to be pleasent to play with all of the time. you have an on hand example of how staff act and i can and will answerr any questions you have about staff. i feel you could make a good staff member but you could use a little more work on ur ingame personality, and a little less careing about what haters think :D. this is me vouching for you for staff, but if you get it, i will personaly see to it that you are a good staff
For The Glory Of KraftZone
Thanks man and yes I will do all you say.
Meh he could be more pleasant.