[glow=red,2,300]Yo Guys ![/glow]
Rank: Member
Date of application: Oct 20, 2012
Total Playtime: 164 Hours
I think i would be a great addition to staff because I already experienced becoming a staff member and im pretty sure that i know what to do in most situations that includes griefing, block spams. I Know the basic commands there is to learn. . i also tell people what i know about plug ins etc.. im always friendly with new comers and also give them warm Greetings. im always online everyday that would be a great addition to staff..
[move]Yours Truly,
SnowAOS [/move]
agree i wan,t him to be staff cause he my friend and i like him
Dude,Dudes,And Dudedes
Help Me By Pressing The Liked Ratting thing
Most people hve a problem with your playtime. Just keep playin!
"Forgive Me For My Disrespect Forgive Me For My Lies"
Sure Shawnotize i always play everyday it will grow more
You know because you have a poll doesn't mean you will get it, truly it is Koolio's choice and I don't think he is loooking for a -Staff memer atm he may be but just from what ik of thats what is happening pretty good app though.
I know poll's doesn't mean i get the rank
but when the time comes he will decide the person he wants as a -Staff member
thats why i posted this app.
Thanks Austin.