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Reasons I should get this rank
1. If i can Fly I Can help build more for the benefit of our town and the others.
2. I already made some friends in this server
3. I Give other people the dime swords, stuffs i dont really need anymore
4. Many people like me and i don't usually fight with other players nor say Innapropriate words.
5. I also answer peoples questions
Hope this application is good enough for you
thanks for reading 😀
Posted : 30/09/2012 8:21 am
you cant really "apply" for member+ but thanks for letting us know about morals and what you would do with some power
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Posted : 30/09/2012 6:33 pm
Topic starter
lol, ok well thanks for reading I guess
Posted : 01/10/2012 8:39 am