hi, I am Sebbacus and some of you will probably recognise me. I would like to help the server by being a helper or staff, don't mind which as long as I get to help people on kz. I have been on this server almost 2 months, I am a tier 3 donater, My town is fusion and I don't have many votes because I don't like the idea of voting (only helps big servers as I think koolio once said). I think I should be staff/helper because I know the server inside out...kinda...and would like to share my knpwledge with other people who are new.
If I become helper/staff please don't give me creative mode because I hat it 🙁
Fire melts ice 😛
-_- and again... pls make a proper helper app
here is the link for a proper one
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Yeah, I can see you being a helper or staff seb, you're really kind! You spent over 250k on beacons in my town! But you need more info.
Why don't you look at some applications that other people have posted that became a different rank. Then you'll know what to post. You could look at my helper application, see what kind of info is needed, or as I said just look at some applications of people who were successful so you know what to post, because nowhere near enough info is in this application.
Good Luck Sebbacus!
i agree with ice 100%
if i could choose
it would be
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ok I will make another application
Fire melts ice 😛
Staff/helper App take two:
ok, last time my app kinda flopped so this time I will work myself through the different qualities 1 by 1
firstly I have to be helpful, many times I have stopped what I am doing to give someone help when I can bcuz I know how frusterating it can be when things don't work. I also repair peoples stuff a lot!
I think I am also quite selfless....I think generous is a better word though......I put 30+ or so beacons at my towns spawn so I guess I am, also I have given people who are not in my town beacons and gear so yes, I am very generous as beacons are expensive and I will always make sure the gear I give is enchanted and at a high standard.
I know everything there is to know about minecraft and I would say I have more knowledge of kz than most people.
I am good at not expressing my emotions and I have never raged!
I have no knowledge on WE or World guard but I could probabky learn in a few days or so!
I want Kz to grow so helping other players, especially new ones is something I like to do!
I know most of the commands used on Kz and I am an excellent builder, check out my castle build! I will make a shop or something there so people can go there via that and also buy things at cheap prices.
I have few votes but lots of play time.....and I don't think the other points are that important or I have covered them already.
I have never broken the rules....except spamming a tiny bit about 2-6 times in total now I think...I was bored okay? I have also done some PVP and its something I enjoy but, only if the other person also wants to.
The rest of the information I WANT to share is on my profile page.
I hope that will show you why I should be helper/staff now!
Fire melts ice 😛
btw iceAOS I noticed that in you signature thingy it says:
Staff is something rare that you have a small chance to get it so don't wast it!
when it should say!
Staff is something rare that you have a small chance to get so don't waste it!
Fire melts ice 😛
Yeah as I said before, I can see you being helper or staff, but a few things I need to point out.
If you want to be a staff, being generous is good, but not too generous, if you're a staff you shouldn't
be too generous and just give things away from your creative inventory.
And you need to know about the WorldGuard Plugin, I know you said you don't know about it
but I suggest learning about it and THEN post the application.
Oh, and one last thing, you need to earn helper rank before you become staff.
But maybe after a lot of trying, you could become helper, and possibly staff.
Good Luck Seb! You can do it!
btw, I did say in my previous app I DONT want creative cos I think its cheating!
I am a quick learner so I will start learning WE today and should know the majority in a few days, I understand its a very big can complex.....mod? plug-in? thingy?
Fire melts ice 😛
Still, even if you don't have creative, you can still be generous.
Just don't be too generous, as I already said.
lol 30+ beacons too much?
Fire melts ice 😛
lol u want me to take them back?
Fire melts ice 😛
ok i know how to use WE, only took me 4h or so, btw should I copy and paste my app to a new thread so it is seen?
Fire melts ice 😛
Ok just to point this out... Staff and WorldEdit is a big nono even tho it says on the post How/Why to post a Staff application. WE is only for Support and higher but I doubt you'll be admin. Good to point that you know how to use WE but it doesn't matter if you post this application before knowing how to use it ofc.
As a member of this community and as part of the staff members, I totally agree with nightwarrior5 since yes generous is a wonderful aspect of being a member here but when it get's overboard like giving out 30+ beacons it's what I think your exagerating with the generous thing. Maybe it's cool to give them a bit of materials to start off but not too much.
Giving out stuff like diamond blocks, enchanted god armor, god apples, anything that is basically "too much" is a bad thing... yes it's being a nice person but we don't look this in a helper.
Btw you cant just earn staff easly you have to go to helper
As Johnny said Staff's dont use WE exept for WG.. you get the point on what johnny just said
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Ok, I kinda put the 30+ beacons to be a bit of a show of and when I say I give people decent stuff I don't mean god apples, god armour, etc I meant something simpler like....diamond armour, and I will finnish of my current levels on it.
Fire melts ice 😛
Simple or to exagerated is not good... I think you've already lost a lot of hope to become a helper if you continue on this path. I don't know about you how you're feeling about why we're saying all this. We're here to help players to improve who wants to improve. And even
tho you wanted a bit of a show tbh idc. I'm going point this out now and pls change. Ok, so it's all about how you react in-game. We're looking for a helper that in the future will get and deserve the Staff position. And if you get helper from there you must be the best helper
then the others then finally you'll get Staff but remember Staff is not for everyone not everyone is fit for the job and maybe trying to apply the first one doesn't succeed well don't give up. Keep improving!
Any positive feed back?
Fire melts ice 😛
yes, I think you're doing good for the helping part..and if you have the time could you vote and work more on your playtime. Thank you!