Hello. Im so glad you chose to open my application. I love this server and decided to apply for Helper because now I know almost everything about it, and have a lot of knowledge of this server and their plugins. Enjoy my Application and I hope I am put into deep consideration (:
-Your In-Game Name (and real name if you choose): Seanzilla1219
-Your Age (if you Choose)
-Position you desire: Helper
-Total Playtime and Votes: Playtime is everyday for about 3-4 hours on weekdays and 5-6 hours on weekends, I have 21 total votes and will have a lot more votes. I am a member and I will always stick around no matter your decision on my application. I am a very fun and helpful player who aims to help the server in many ways I can do in my power.
-Date Registered (MM/YYYY): I dont remember exactly when I joined the server, its been a very long time ago so I would say in the year of 2013 maybe at December or this year in January.
-Express Desire to Help (Who, Why, And How): Well, I have a lot to put on this question. First off, let me start with the desire of helping this server. This server has lots of very respectful players and staff. I am not afraid to sacrifice my time and effort to help a player in need of assistance and if I dont know an answer I will still try my hardest to give them the answer they ask for. Second, I do want you to know I am a little young but I know I am mature enough and I own my own server so I have experience, I have been staff on other servers, and I like everything about this server sense I joined. My time zone is Eastern so if yours is different I can still really keep an eye (or two haha) on the server, and give players the staff supervision that is required for any problem or minor setback. I hope you see how mature and respectful and helpful I am. Helping this server would be like a huge dream come true, if you did decide to hire me, I know you wouldnt regret it!
-Traits of yourself in-game and in real life that Show us your Quality: Maturity and self control and I help everyone in game and I like to help people in real life as well, I like to give players the ability to feel welcome and comfortable on the server, which is a nice feeling to have especially with the best server and players (:
-Past Moderator or Administrator Experience: I own my own server, I have been an administrator on one Hamachi server that shut down a long time ago. I have been staff on a server called DinozServer, and some owner trusted me so much on one server he made me owner but that server also shut down.
-Express the Knowledge and Skills that would make you beneficial to KraftZone. including any WorldGuard or WorldEdit Skills: I know almost all the Worldguard permissions, the flags can get confusing to me sometimes but I still get it within no time. And I know all WorldEdit commands.
-The things you have done to Improve KraftZone as a player: Help people who ask me and follow the rules on KraftZone. Team with players and have a good time, have fun and I do not grief or disobey players or rules, Im not into that.
-Anything Else you feel needs to be known in consideration of your Application: I look to impress people and not make people feel like they cant trust me. I can be funny when I want to be and serious when I have to be. I give players a good day and players give me that feeling back every single day on this server. This community is very well planned and so nice and amazing... I hope we can get more players down the line. Im definitely voting for this server every day on all the links, so we can get more players and a prize along with it. And also, I like fluffy kittens.
long........ very long.....
Vote more
Play more
Help more
I absolutely will play more and help more and also vote more! And sorry that it was long I just had a lot to say about the server because I care. And you will see lots of votes and me helping people when they ask or when I feel they need the assistance. They dont even have to ask me.