Dear Kooglio and others:
-I joined the server Febuary 13th, 2014.
-Age 16
-Name is Omar, ingame name is XxDarkxSpartanxX
-I have really enjoyed Helping others in the server, especially setting up WitchHaven with Extacyy, but it is sad to see the town fall after i left. I love helping others, either if its with building, command questions, etc. Everytime i see someone say that they need help i rush to help them and i do my best to solve their problem.
-I also love helping people in Prime when they join, it is my favorite thing to do! I take care of the town and all the people in it! Currently a Secretary in Prime, i take care of plots and i watch to make sure nobody griefs in the town.
-Currently Secretary in Prime
-I have been playing for a total of 19 Days 2 Hours 26 Minutes and 55 Seconds.
-I have a total of 165 votes.
-Currently Artist
-I was nominated as one of the top 3 voters for having 57 Votes in March of 2014, I am not Voter+ since i was inactive from the server due to not having my laptop.
-I am very active in the server, people always see me online and love when i get on. I think i would be a good Helper, lots of people have been saying that the Server needs more Helpers because there is usually only one online from 4:00pm-4:00am and he is very busy helping everyone, and I would love to be that one Helper to be helping and not just watch one helper do all the work, i already do try and help but others say "your not a Helper, your a Artist" I just want to be able to help 24/7. I have helped a lot of people with big builds and project and even command help, and I continue to do so.
-I have applied before but I couldn't get on during the summer since i had to turn in my school laptop. Kooglio did tell me to try again when i come back, so i am taking this chance and trying again.
-Recent Staff had said I would make a great helper and that i just need to get a higher rank and more play time, well i have gotten a higher rank and more play time.
-As a starter I didn't know much about /commands and such, I had to ask Helpers for /commands. Now i know lots of /Commands and people ask me for help with them, if its with Plot Commands, t Commands, TPA Commands, etc.
-I hope everyone reads this and feel free to comment your opinions on what you think, and staff please comment on changes i need to make. Thank you Kooglio and others.
Secretary of Prime
Rank: Artist
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
Welcome to kraftzone can i take your order?
Good application
Tho you just came back from a long break and werent sure a week ago if ur were able to stay, i dont think that you can be Helper. I've also heard som ruff things from other people who explains what you've done. Few times. Like that picture, telling a players IP-Adress would get anyone a bit nervous. Vote, Play alot, Be a nice person and respect others just continue like that and well sometime 😀
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I agree with kot, u haven't been on for like 4months so...yeah
Also u said there are no active helpers....what about me? im on everyday at least 2hours!!! (normally) guess if u live in the states tho then when I play its morning for u.....or is it vice versa? I know its a 9 hour difference....crap, im rambling about silly stuff and I will for a lot longer if I don't stop typing NOW!!!
Fire melts ice 😛
2 hours isnt enough, thats like saying i watch tv for 2 minutes... And kott ok i do it cause they think they are better than me and tell me crap. I honestly dont care if they are scared especially if they tell me they do worse to me.. So yah
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
bro shut up to be helper you need to be online 69 hours a day, then BAM! u helps.
the fact that the ppl commenting on here aren't active themselves kills me
Lol thank you sea
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
chris i haven't seen you on since ages lel bye
True i havnt seen u on in a while, and im on more than you XD. So why do you deserve helper and not me? I wonder, i agree 100% with sea. And why is a helper telling someone to shutup? Thats not very nice
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
bro. Just cuz u dont see me, doesnt mean im not there. You cant see the wind, but yet its there brah. ok, im there too.... watching.......
U said u need to be on 69hours a day, but u said ur on 2 hours a day..... Im on like 8-10
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
quote when i said im on 2 hours a day.
You just made yourself look bad, im done 😉
-Ex Member
-Ex Member+
-EX Voter+
-Ex Artist
-Current Helper
~Prime Secretary~
U said u need to be on 69hours a day, but u said ur on 2 hours a day..... Im on like 8-10
I never said im on 2 hours a day.
LOL funny only support and kooglio have the permission to pretend there not there. dont try me mr
lol tru dat