Name:CalebMC____ or im known as Caleb
Total playtime:37 minutes
Date Registered:October 8th,2014 12:45 AM
I want to help because I love helping others in any way I can! It is a fun thing to do! It always has been for me!
Traits:I'm fun to hang out with,I usually like playing Minecraft in my spare time,I always go on KZ if I go on any server! I always look forward to meeting new people!
Skills:Underground Houses,Mining for others,and me,and giving out help to others!
What I did to improve: I helped a Staff on his town by destroying anything he needed to to rebuild his town,I also built a community park for the server,and I also helped out by giving beginners good starting loot!
Misc:I love pet bats in Minecraft! I love God armor,and I love all the people on KZ!
Deadpool 🙂
I didn't register october 8th i meant september 15th somewhere around there
Deadpool 🙂
Your park looked good
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
pet bats Eww! u know....they are the cause of ebola....or that's probably another one of the many shitty rumors....
anyway, its a good app, u registered OCT 1 2014 .........that's a bit too low im my opinion and I think u would need a bit more experience to be able to properly help people....there are lots of cmds on kz and according to ./res u have only been on for 9 days. Im sure u would be a good helper though, u sound like someone who really wants to help 😀
Fire melts ice 😛
Honestly you could be a great helper caleb but maybe you should play a bit more let say if you play all the time this month you'll get it
Play more, vote more if you can :), learn more. Try to observe how other helpers do it maybe you could get experience from them. Ask Staff as well like me or even Sheep. I'm pretty sure we'll be glad to help If you have any questions just ask us :O
thx everyone i appreciate it!
Deadpool 🙂