Joined: March, 2014, 29
Current rank: Member
Total vote: 37
Reason:I think I should be a Helper because people grief in Kz Minecraft . If anyone else thinks they should be stopped, I should be there to help you. I am experienced at building traps for grievers to die in shame. I hate these people because they do not follow the rule of Kraftzone and they are to unskilled to go mining or are lazy to find resources! I HATE THESE TYPE OF PEOPLE AND I SWEAR, WHEN I CAN GET THE PERM TO BUILD TRAPS, YOUR GRIEVING DAYS ARE GOING TO BE NO MORE! REMEMBER, I AM WATCHING YOU! BEWARE BOB >:(.
The griefing point is kinda evil
i like that
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes there are a lot if griefers but there are less now for some reason. But building traps and ending them isn't what we look for. Maybe like
Stopping griefers in another less stupid and evil because they would anyways complain to Koolio about your traps. First off, this app is incomplete... Please refer yourself to this post
Second of all 39 votes... you should all know that 100 votes is the requirement...
The fact that his name is BOB is a dead givaway. HE SHOULD BE HIRED. Didnt even need to read it. If his name is bob its a done deal.
p.s. I cant hire you.
I cant really build anything.
Okay: I will name myself bob in my next application. 😀
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think you would make a good helper bob.
whats the point in killing greifers? they can just respawn and they keep their inventory, we can also fly so the traps would be easy to avoid.
Is killing greifers by setting traps on random peoples builds your only reason to be helper?
Fire melts ice 😛