My name in M.C.- zking199
Anyways I do help a-lot in the server, I am an exceptional builder that people have told me I should try for Architect, on my way to Architect I played every day from 4-8 hours a day working toward M and M+. With my building experience in building is I do wide verity of context disguise I come up on my own but the disguise are: Nordic, viking, Rustic, steam-punk, Gothic, and medevel.
I take total responsibility on the server and i always try to improve others, teach others, and build for others on the server. Even though it might sound I'm making an app. for Architect but this is the best way I can describe what I do on the server. I'm a good friend to every one on the server and every one understands me and respects me and every one there likes me. Being that I've been playing MC ever sence beta I don't know a-lot of CMD's I do learn fast in learning commands.
IGN: zking1998
IRL name: Kodey A. Mustain
Age: 18
Position desired: Helper
Position already had: REGISTERED > Member > Member + > Architect
I would like to be helper and to continue ranking up.