Hey guys! It's Flamewolf, and I would like to become staff. I feel like I would be a good staff member because:
I'm a helper
I have 76 votes
I have been on KZ scince 2-17
Everyone on the server likes me.(mostly)
I do my job as helper really well
I'm online a lot
I talk with the community a lot
I'm really nice
And while I may not have as many votes as one might want, I feel that I make up for the low vote count in how I act in game. I may have a SMALL temper, but it only really comes out when there's a very annoying guy. So, please just let me know what you think, and if there is anything I could improve on. Thanks!
Like they told me the time I made a staff app it needs more(Not to judge) but good job(An sometimes you you act like the owner..... Lol Jk) But for real good job
You don't need to make a staff app if your helper already, koolio will decide when you are ready and will move you up automatically.
Fire melts ice
Asking will decrease your chances in becoming a staff. It's better to do your job as helper and wait if koolio decidedls that you are Staff material. It's just better in my opinion. Don't ask for the ranks even tho you think it's taking long. Keep your work up doing a great job