koolio can i plz be helper or staff?and im an AWESOME builder! it would mean alot for me! i would help other people and show new people the server things so if i could be helper it would be awesome thx -ndog987 march 7th 2014 FRIDAY ive also been a rank on a server THEY LOVED ME cuz i helped other people and made the server more popular! and i and i feel like ive made THIS server have more people on it thx koolio 😀
the helper rank takes a while to get, just ask some of the helpers its not something can get within a month or 2 or even more.
doesn't mean you cannot help, anyone playing on the server is helping those who do more like help others learn kraftzone specific commands and how to do things in towny etc are helping more.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Yaaaa. Ture Koolio, Look at me. What 2-3 years playing on KraftZone and i don't even have helper yet? I don't try much now i just come on KraftZone Some times to builder and talk when ever i wanna get active is the time i wanna be Helper so Ya.
I'll be back soon.