My name is caeevans, and I have chosen to apply for staff because I believe I could help this server a lot more than I have, being a donator and all. I am a good builder, helper, and I am good at resolving problems. A lot of people look to me for help. I have Moderator an Op on 3 other servers, and I earned that title fairly. (Two have been restarted and I lost it ) I have a useful amount of Staff experience and I feel I am trustworthy. I hope you look into accepting this, and hope you enjoyed it. (My total play time is 46:25:21) I was the second donator and I donated with no hesitance. This server has always been my most-played server! UTC-6 is my time zone. My play time is low because the restart in July cut me back.
Sup, this is caeevans, donator and dedicated player of the best server known to man, Kraftzone!
How do we know your the second donator is you only have 45hrs of playtime?
And get more playtime
Add the timezone your in and your availability
Do you know the commands?
Those are just some things to think about
Cyber he played before July so it wouldn't have shown the playtime he had before July
oh ok got it
"I have Moderator an Op on 3 other servers"
See that, that's a line you just don't bother putting in a staff app 😀
"This server has always been my most-played server!"
And I don't know about that.
As cyber has pointed out you would have a lot longer playtime, even counting the previous hours from before the new database.
You get bored and go elsewhere, well I need staff who are a bit more dedicated than that and try to make things less boring if that is what needs happening.
I don't need staff just for the sake of allowing more players in staff rank even if they are donators. I just don't see why you need staff rank either, what does that change, just another server to say you gained rank on?
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Well I need staff who are a bit more dedicated than that and try to make things less boring if that is what needs happening.
Like me? xD
Lol Let him be staff >:D
I'll be back soon.