I am brickmaster42. Even after being ipbanned, I think I would like to be staff. I would troll a lot. And bash. I would get support and grief and make the server go down. I would ACTUALLY tell my team the ip but, I don't have minecraft. I would rob everyone, and make them leave the server. I would use my custom client to never get banned. I would use it to demote staff and become the owner of the server. Then I would change the ip to: fuckkoolio. Is this enough Madhead? That is why I would like to be staff. I won't do anything bad. ANYTHING!
I think he should be staff. He would be great.
That custom client that you definitely had the brains to code : P
Yup. I think he should be staff. Hey brick, why don't you stop lying, you're not on xbox you stupid 9 year old piece of shit.
brick i dont think you are supposed to be un-banned i think something happened with those files that made it so you got unbanned or koolio didnt give staff a heads up they he unbanned people hm :/
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
lol blue he's using different ip... even took the time to register again
sigh, I would think you would have matured a bit more brickmaster42
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
lol blue he's using different ip
yea there is that too, even hammymexican?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
This is the fucking problem with our damn generation. Theres idiots like brickmaster who just can't satisfy themselves because they're too fucking spoiled to give a damn about anyone elses opinion. Brickmaster. If you're reading this I just want to let you know. Fuck off with your little shitty friends about "hacking" the server. Why am I saying this, for your own good. Hacking the server would not only mean hacking the server. But you would be doing something illegal. If you said you have friends then fucking go out and play with them, because you're too fucking young to be getting in this kind of fucking shit.
i agree with apple and why apply for staff on a server your banned for? the short answer is a obvious no
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story