Alright, so I'm going to be straight foward with you guys :P. I think I want to be member+ because if you do /ranks you can clearly see that there are ranks that show you what you have to do to get them. Other than being on the server for quite a while I have to ask something. Koolio said that we have to work/do something good to become member+. Question, what did Deadchampion43 do to get staff. I never seen him do anything good/ or try to help the players in Kraftzone. This is my last probably member+ app. (Doubt that I will get it after this >.>)
you can have Member+ next time I see you online.
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I then try to piggy-back off of apple's argument and ask for member + as well, since my last application, i have increased my votes to around 40 votes in the last 2 and a half weeks, as well as been trying to improve my building styles 😀