Why the h**l was I banned? What does 4d's mean? What was the reason? so. I lost all my good items, then got banned. ugh... my minecraft life. Can someone Explain the reason.
I just want to continue playing on this awesome server.. y'know, each time you ban someone, who had Innocence, you lose a player for the server.
*swearing warning* GOD &"£$ING DAMN IT! WHY THE ^%£$ WAS I BANNED ARGH!! WHAT THE $%^£ MEANS 4D'S!!!
Your Questionable, FoxyPlaysMK. Epic Sadness is coming over me..... This might let my minecraft fun let down....
I've been only been once banned, no worries, I'm still cool. But, notice me! Ex-Registered, Ex-member, Ex-Member+
Currently Helper.
Hey Foxy how's it going? Seems like you're pretty angry about being banned. Ill tell you a big reason why you were banned, and what 4'ds mean's aswell. 4'ds means Four Days. For four days you wont play because you grief other players, and we have evidence that shows you do. And log blocks to show us what blocks you did break from said player. Also this is very sad to see comining from someone who wanted helper, and to see how badly you broke that guys house was pretty interesting on your half.
Hope this solves your question aswell as teaches you a lesson.
Thank you for Explaining it, well, for now i'll be reading a book, drawing or playing modded minecraft. But may I see the griefing logs and any pictures of it?
I've been only been once banned, no worries, I'm still cool. But, notice me! Ex-Registered, Ex-member, Ex-Member+
Currently Helper.
Of course you can, and you can also talk to the other support member who saw the grief and also took logs himself have a nice time drawing.
Thank You, and when I'm back, i'll take time to check the area, but needed to know, I'm a looter sometimes and, I some times do a little grief to get some loot if the doors are blocked, like Flame, we loot the 1.7 world houses that have there deadbolts busted.
I've been only been once banned, no worries, I'm still cool. But, notice me! Ex-Registered, Ex-member, Ex-Member+
Currently Helper.
Right, and that's why you're not playing right now. and keep doing it, and you wont play again.
But whose house was it?
I've been only been once banned, no worries, I'm still cool. But, notice me! Ex-Registered, Ex-member, Ex-Member+
Currently Helper.
You can be unbanned tomorrow, I just don't want to see this happening again.
Staff rarely catch griefers when its later discovered, and its a big task to make sure old builds on most the maps are always protected, for whatever reason things become unprotected. Maybe the building, town etc didn't look all that good to you, but making more of a mess of it isn't cool.
Might not mean much to you, you might not even take much from an existing base, however it just encourages someone else to treat the buildings/towns the same way and further make a mess of the area because they saw it looked griefed already. Then we get the player of that building/town complain about greifing, maybe months later with no logblock record to show who did it. Its also nice to visit old maps and see what was built INTACT, not in an effing mess.
So consider the tempban you got a warning you have been a good player without any previous trouble, don't carry on greifing... if you want to help, let staff know if you come across a buildings/towns on the maps that are not protected so they can be. Obviously dirt shacks and wood box housing isn't the type of stuff that will get protected by staff, however unless you are going to clear the area or build there yourself, best to just leave it.
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