I think it's time for a new contest in something that you know Quake, warp: /quakeworld
So during the week and next week we going to arrange this for you.
Everyone is welcome, excluding Support, Admin.
How it will work:
1. TheCrafters Will set up who will be against eachother. (Minimum 8 participants)
2. Group stage ---> Quarterfinals ---> Semifinals ----> final.
3. All matches will be in the Cold1 quake map, first to finish (15kills) wins placement.
4. Only wooden hoe is allowed in the competition (stone,iron,gold,diamond is forbidden)
Example: Assuming thecrafters144 vs Koolio in the first round. This means that the quake match starts when both are online.
If none of them are showing up at the same time over the competition duration, both will be out. ::)
How to join?
It's very easy! You have 2 options
1 Tell TheCrafters or Koolio in game you will be joining.
2 Or post a comment on this topic saying you will be joining.
Might include extra prizes if the competition gets a lot of participants.
1st Prize
- /hat perm (got it already? 200k money)
- More homes
2nd prize
- 100k money
- kit flydisc every 24hrs
3rd prize
- 50k money
- Virtual Workbench
All contestants that take part will receive 10k
When does it start?
The likely starting date will be once at least 8 participants have joined up (expecting more obviously), matches will running from next week (Tuesday), with finals taking place on Friday or Saturday, time to be agreed on with finalists.
Participants so far:
RonCraft CreeperZx3 Killzill99 Fred658b ChemicalHamster Conner |
Shood Zac852 slyguy47 woombo23 johnny Komaquest |
Cyber_stormX2 BANDIT1569 Pepsi87 ased |
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
I am joining!:D
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
I'm joining
I'm in.
If you're reading this Woombo you gota join aswel. Same for you Dale_Onions. :3
u spelled johnny wrong 😛 ik its random
Im in
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
Hey im comming im in 😀
I'm in for what ever it takes 😀
This was BANDIT1569, stay cool and peace out
i would love to be apart of the compitition 😛 quake is awesome and fun 😀 good luck to everyone!
-Vinmeistr: mess with the best die like the rest.! jk i cant, im a staff...
Ok, so i have set up the pairs now and its a totally of 10 pairs(20 participants)
Group 1
Slyguy47 vs ased
Johnny vs cyber_Stormx2
Conner vs Woombo23
Komaquest vs Killzill
fred685b vs hope
Dale_Onions vs blubber230 Winner: Blubber230
Group 2
Creeperzx3 vs vinmeistr Winner: Vinmeistr
Ytsen13 vs zac852
Bandit1569 vs ChemicalHamster
RAJ vs Roncraft
Wesley_Onions vs BlockPrince
Jdub vs Shood
Prepare yourself and make sure that you and your competetor is online at same time or you out of the competition... and that is really sad for both of you
The 10k that is for every participants... but if you dont compete you wont get em.. so you get ur money after the first match
Good Luck Everyone!!
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
Indeed , sly...Good schematic...
Lost Monkey! If someone saw it , bring pepsi to me!
Who watched Cyber_Stormx2 vs Johnny?
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD
Me and Koolio can confirm that match
Oi i got 20k on sly to win it all cx
sly i won fair and square
you won our match johnny....You beat the stuffing out of me
Johnny: 25
Cyber_stormX2: 2
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
cyber i'd like to play you for fun. get on kz
Ok give me like 30 minutes
I found it.....I found my lost duck!!!
That is my You tube Channel
This is actually not looking good for me :/ Becouse as I planned that i would be home this weekend.. Im gone! I got some christmas stuiff to do with some friends of mine from Friday-Saturday and then im heading south Norway and having dinner with my aunt and rest of my family... So i need to ask nicely you Slyguy and Koolio.. Could you please let this going?
God made every person different....
He got tired by the time he got to China xD