Ok so I've just had to restore this forum and change admin password because it seems 'DillonBass' wanted to remove my access to my own forum aswel as delete this post. He cannot run a server properly it seems. Not even one I practically handed him on a plate and setup for him.
To top it off i'm hearing his server is closing down already.
For that I'm sorry to all you members again, so much for trying to keep things going.
The below is old news for most of you, though if you been under a rock for the past 2 weeks it might be worth reading...
I will be going back to the original plans laid out below. ie upload the map or try find a new owner.
Well no easy way to end a server that you've put time into, and certainly not when so many have come to make it their favored server to play and build on.
However as much I would like to carry the server on having already let many of you know that it was coming to end, it would just be a slower ending to the server with less and less playing on it for another month. And I just don't have the time and commitment to put into it anymore. Running a minecraft server is a big undertaking if you want any sort of success in growing your server and being a good host for players. Running an auth off server is an even bigger undertaking, as you sacrifice the popularity of your server, many just don't want to register a password or get confused by it. Anyway all the downsides eventually pile on, server crashes and the constant need to babysit (really no way of getting server to restart itself, and nothing annoyed me more than finding my server down for hours while I was away leaving you guys without this server to play on), buggy plugins, patches, conflicts, maintaining it all and dealing with the few annoying players and all the other details. I don't have time for all that anymore, and when I look at all other minecraft servers out there, many of whom trying to compete for new players to come join them, it feels selfish of me to keep this going when I don't have the motivation for it anymore, so its time to move on basically.
The timing of the server hosting company in move away from providing a monthly payment method via paypal this month (understandably as dealing with paypal when you're a business is well..) ...anyway their change has coincided with my own life changes. Not wanting to setup a new payment method for something I'm wanting to end anyway just doesn't make sense.
A word about server donators, big thanks to them as they have kept this server going and helped pay for 2 server upgrades. Kept me obligated to what I started, had it not been for them this server would have ended many months earlier. However I'm glad no one has donated in over 2 months because I don't want anyone to think that the ending of this server is purely about the lack of money to keep it going, while I honestly don't feel like paying the full hosting fees anymore, its more about me wanting to move on and have that free time, not with a minecraft server I started in the back of my mind, that I have got to run, keep a presence & maintain... I think I should have got more staff to help out sooner, however its sometimes easier to deal with things yourself than trying to find others that would run it as you would yourself.
Also a little word about about how all minecraft server top lists basically force all server admins to have to compete in similar ways of bribing players into voting for the server... Planetminecraft moved away from being useful for smaller servers from getting noticed via server updates, and basically became just another minestatus top list. Getting players to vote is something I hated doing, nothing is more annoying than having to come up with ways of getting players to go vote, on top of tying it into ranks and counting votes to make sure it was fair. Again its just another one of those things I don't care to do anymore.
The few favorite minecraft servers I played on before I started my own all just ended without any notice, there is no easy way to end something. I hope you all find some replacement server to play on when this goes down. I will continue to find a new owner for the server, would like to share the skin mod I made, though I'm sure with the 1.3 changes to minecraft that will probably not work anymore.
This website/forum will remain up for anyone to check for updates or to see what players on here are doing now, you are free to post other server ip's etc.
I will edit this post later to include the months top voters, sorry no prize in that some are however still interested in knowing.
The future...
While I haven't found any new owner yet who wants to take on Kraftzone or at least the world/towns under a different server name. My time is available to help anyone with server setup, config, etc... to anyone who steps forward with the hosting requirements for the server, basically at least 1.5gb ram, and decent connection to support 20players and preferably 24/7. This help is purely for bukkit server setup, not for OS how to setup on port forwarding etc, you need to know how to do a few things yourself. The host the server is/was currently on is warservers.net I do recommend them as having the best prices for minecraft servers and good game panel. If anyone is interested in setting up a new account I can help get this server transferred perhaps even keep the same server ip. PM me on here if you are interested or know someone who would take on ownership.
I'll still be playing other games, chances of me playing minecraft as a player again are probably slim though. I left being a minecraft player when I started this server and became an admin, still if any of you find a new server to play on, and want me to visit let me know. I probably wouldn't say no to an admin position either.
How to get the stuff I built....
I'm going to wait a week before I put up the server map for download, just incase I do find another server owner. It will be a link to the entire main world & nether. I might also on request be including the entire bukkit server plugin setup such as towny worldguard regions, permission setup etc.. so you will be able to effectively run the Kraftzone server locally and tinker around with running a bukkit server on your own PC.
You will need to send me a pm on this forum under your regular kraftzone playername, those players will be given the link(s). If you haven't bothered playing on this server in a long time please don't be offended I don't give you the link, and especially if you have never played on this server.. this is purely for those I know who gave their time and creativity to Kraftzone.
Note this file will not include the player authentication passwords, or anything else I decide not to share... though anyone who intends to carry on Kraftzone publicly online for other players will possibly be given that for a seamless transition.
tl:dr Sorry to all those who feel let down by this, its sadly disappointing I do know, and I will miss this server more than most really, as its been big part of my life since I started it. Of course it will also be a relief to finally move on and so should you .. at least if I don't find a new owner
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
well my minecraft has been kinda glitchy lately so i wasnt on that much but what i've seen from "He who shal not be named" , dillon, he was a complete ___insert any insults that would be fitting here__
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
How r u even gonna find a new owner if u dont have a server to disuss ownership or to show what the forums link is
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Man Koolio, I'm sorry for leaving, i just got tired of mad people all of the time like Harrison and whatever and I left. I now made my own Hamachi server for my friends and it is going pretty well except some times the map gets cleared (which is why I will start making copies just in case). Anyway if you are ever bored and whatever send me a message, I'm Shea Strutz on Skype.
Things are different if you upload the map. You wont be able to warp to places or go to towns. You have to find all that stuff yourself. Though I have prractically no hope that You will find a new owner I do want you to. Anyway This is why you should all find a new server to play on as backup. It's Time To Go Guys.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Things are different if you upload the map. You wont be able to warp to places or go to towns.
"I might also on request be including the entire bukkit server plugin setup such as towny worldguard regions, permission setup etc.. so you will be able to effectively run the Kraftzone server locally and tinker around with running a bukkit server on your own PC."
So yeah I probably will do that for you guys, however its finding a decent host i can use that will let me store 2gb and enough bandwidth to share it on here to kraftzone members who request it.
I was thinking something like rapidshare or whatever.. not upto date on the current file sharing hosts.. anyone want to recommend any. I can also split the archive so you can download it from multi sources?
One with file resume support would be better....
Also yeh I don't see getting any new owner is viable, even looking at getting server sponsor is pointless, was never really all that big and most servers just get offered other hosting deals which i don't care for as my involvement in minecraft again will only be as player or admin, and setting up the stuff not interested in being owner or getting donations. I haven't really looked of course as I think most with a server or setting one up want to do it themselves.
So yup just wait for the files.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Dillon my have taken away our server but he can't take away our good memories of the server, long live kraftzone.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
koolio i dont think this is the end hell someone has to take on the server at some point we just gotta wait but if theres one thing i know its that this server will be a second home for me and i think for everybody that played on it
Altough i stopped playing on the server a while ago (for multiple reasons ^^) i'm sorry to hear that you're putting an end to it.
i played on the server when it was just a few days old, i saw cities comming and going, plugins installed and removed, players welcomed and banned...
i would love to take over the server but i just dont have the time for it.
i hope you find a solution for this and that the server may live on!
- An old friend.
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Well just to update you all, i've been talking to someone else who might be able to host the server. Still trying to get things setup with him though.
If it does goto plan then it will be kraftzone v2 I've been working a few things, the old map however won't be staying. Of course I just haven't gotten around to uploading the map yet either.
Anyway don't hold out for the new server, its just something that might be of good news. If you're wondering why I haven't shared any of the server stuff its because of that.
-- Hi fluffy
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
Hey Kollio!
Im very sad about the server taken down.I had great memories on this server.I build a lot.You helped me whenever i needed your help.Well this was the best server on the world.I gave the server to some freind's.i remember when me and crafterjakob created town GapiTown.The first house was jakob's then i built mine.My house survived everything.KraftZone was my home.Thank you for this server and all the help.One more question where do i get the link for the map?
koolio...I re-read this post today and it really made me upset.
But on the inside I do feel good for you for letting go and well, knowing what to do next.
As you said before to "find a new server to play on" Kraftzone is the only server on my list anymore.
Even if I do find a new server, it will never match yours.
Kraftzone is like a part of me now, when i first came on it was because i raged quit my old server. I had no clue that Kraftzone would be this much of an adveture. It's just that I cant imagine you shutting down the server...for good. I know things dont last forever but this server it's just different from all the others. And if you ever do shut down this sever for good, I thank you for a good time on kraftzone. :')
I cant really build anything.
I agree with pepsi 100% he basically took words out of my mouth. No kidding, my thoughts exactly. Kraftzone os the only server i have on my list and anyhting else is nothing compared to it. I remember i had just heard of spleef and thought it was sooooo cool. (I hate it now) but i google spleef minecraft servers. ANd this popped up. When i joined there was only one person on. Sk8terdot. I fcking love this server.
Hello, Hadi here, dedicated player of KraftZone.
Thanks Hadi
I cant really build anything.