So a little something different thanks to Aegisguy_7 for letting know about it, he and his friends lancer1520 and renz_518 have been working on a minecraft comicbook that is loosely based on the Kraftzone server world, with some of the players who have played here and my character Koolio.
Updated once a week (I think)
First comic page:
I think any Kraftzone player will recognize some of things featured in the comic like the castle above, and some of its pretty funny 😀
The storyline is interesting the art work starts off a little rough (and some no color) but it gets better as the comic goes on.
A few more pictures
What a guy, wearing shades accross his eyes, and IDK_ my_username 😀
K.k.Jerry I can't help but guess who that is meant to be 😀
heh like I would ever have inventory security checks at spawn lol, though would be a good for players joining minigames and then losing there inventory.
My one request is that they need to get 'Bob's (link) character a cameo appearance in it 😀
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
This bob person sounds very interesting. He shall be in there somewhere...and also we have no idea who k.k jerry is supposed to be lol. Purely coincidental if he looks or seems like someone irl
Very creative, this is a great read so far.
It's super funny and I'm looking forward to more!