The in-game competition:
Build an awesome looking snowman, can be any size, though bigger would allow you to make it more detailed.
I am also allowing the build competition to also include other festive type pixel art, statues (Santa, whatever etc) upto you if you want to do something like that instead of a snowman.
Submitted builds should be original you built it yourself and its not just a total 1 : 1 copy from somewhere else.
Prizes being donator tier1 stuff added to your existing rank.
End of competition date is 21st Dec 2012 (the date Kraftzone started last year for those who didn't know) possible date extension to the 25th at the latest.
The screenshot competition:
So I'm also looking for some pictures for the front page header (I'd like to alternate the background image that is up there once a week or so) .. if anyone is interested in taking screenshots I have some suggestion & requirements...
Suggestions are make it look good 😀 preferably a 32x texture pack, if possible use sonic shaders mod for some nice shadows etc.
A mod I do recommend for taking the screenshot is:
It will let you take a full screenshot at a resolution size greater than what you have set, ie something like
I need something with a large width so it can stretch without looking to different displays... so the settings I used in the above screenshot link is what I'm looking for roughly.
Other tips is just take a screenshot of something that is built well, a nice town, or good environment location on the server, and make sure the center of the shot is in the actual center, it can also include players in the screenshot like a spleef arena match etc. Its mainly just taking a good screenshot, not so much what it is, though a picture of a dark cave isn't very interesting or a dirt box house isn't what I'm looking for.
Prize for the best one (if there is a submission that I feel could be used) is Donator ~Tier1 perms, added to your existing rank title.
Is no competition end date for this one, so feel free to reply to this thread with any submissions at a later date if you think your screenshot could still be used as a new site background header.
This month: Voting rewards 2 fly discs instead of just 1, sorry I gots to keep vote bribery going, I know how some of you just get lazy and don't bother voting for the server 😀
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Count me in (even though staff already have all tier1 privileges)
My PC can't run sonic shader mod. So I'm in, without the mod 😛
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Red, we gonna build a Snowman? 😀
No two Rainbows are the same.
Neither are two packs of Skittles.
Enjoy an odd mix.
Maybe near our snow fort? 😛
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Okay, here's my entry: Starring LunarBrick disguised as a snowman! ♪ Minecraft Christmas - Original Song by Area11 feat Simon
Think dirt is useless? Think again.