Server reset? Why oh why?
Well this is in the 7DTD forum so...yes...
well I was hoping the 9.1patch was just a hotfix for client side issues and the exploits.. but they added a bunch stuff extra prefabs for the world gen, and as the server map was already pretty explored I thought well why not..
I still have the 9.0 map backup, .. but there seems to be not way to downgrade server at least on the linux side (very little/zero funpimps support for it).. I honestly thought 9.1 would be a decent patch but turned out its still got a whole bunch of exploits that are unpatched.
So the way I look at it is this 9.1 patch is kind of junk at least on the server side of things (had I known that before updating the server I woudl have kept the same 9.0 world and whitelisted server but to late now) so I'm making the server public just to get some new players (maybe some of them might be interested in getting whitelisted), and depending on if the next 7dtd patch is good or still exploitable the server will stay public or it will go back to being whitelisted again.
And if there next patch doesn't change any world gen stuff I'll probably stick with the same current map.
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