Server is public, you can get on without whitelisting... I'll add you to the whitelist though (should it be enabled again)
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
Whitelist application:
-IGN: Patches McFluffy
-STEAM64 ID: 76561198044311611 / STEAM_0:1:42022941
-Referrals: none
-Will you be using teamspeak : Yes
-Why do you want to join?: Looking for a fun friendly server. Have a small group of friends that are looking for a long-term server to play on
-Anything else?: love interior decorating
The server is public, so no need to be whitelisted currently as you can join whenever.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
New stuff added:
Pistol has increased durability,
Crops & trees grow a little faster than defaults,
/info - Get cord info and check to see who owns a region
/warps - Shows a list of all public warps
PVP Arena's:
How it works/rules: You loadout your inventory with extra guns and ammo in your backpack (bringing bandages, first aid helps etc) and on your toolbelt just put a gun to use when you get into the arena. Gameplay is intended as Free for all, however teams are allowed. When you get killed only your toolbelt drops, it is free for anyone else in the arena to pickup and keep so don't put anything on it that you don't mind losing! You can quickly warp back into the arena to get revenge don't forget to equip another gun before going in, or go in with fists and try pick up toolbelt.
Getting to the arena: Use /warp pvp or /warp carpark ...more arena's will be added later (any builders welcome to make one), when you warp to a pvp arena others in game will be notified that you joined, and may join in aswel.
Getting out: Use public warps to get warp out without dying (until /back and /home commands are added)
Feel free to use the avatar if you play on the 7dtd server....
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
<recipe name="sunglasses" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time="5">
<ingredient name="metalStrips" count="1" grid="0, 0" />
<ingredient name="metalStrips" count="1" grid="2, 0" />
<ingredient name="metalStrips" count="1" grid="-2, 0" />
<ingredient name="glass" count="1" grid="1, 0" />
<ingredient name="glass" count="1" grid="-1, 0" />
<ingredient name="metalStrips" count="1" grid="2, 1" />
<ingredient name="metalStrips" count="1" grid="-2, 1" />
Added '/sethome' & '/home' teleporting -Use ingame console for these new commands. Max home is 1, multiple homes/named homes (can be allowed per-player on request), listhome, delhome <homename> and allowing friends to teleport to your homes is coming next.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
/tele <name|id> or /tp <name|id> is enabled for all to use now that /tpaccept or /tpa and /tpdeny have been added, before it was just staff only command.
Teleport requests from different players are queued, so /tpa will allow teleport from the last player request, if you ignore a tp request from someone for longer than 15 seconds that tp request is removed from the queue. A bunch more stuff will be added to the teleport feature. Probably will add /tpblock <name|id> at some point, and a cooldown on how often teleporting can be used by players. Other ideas were putting a restriction on usage so it cannot be used if the player you are wanting to teleport to is within walking distance 😀
Also all /textcommands have a console command equivalent (just don't include the forwardslash in the console cmd version), so you can use commands in console without anyone seeing them in mainchat. Many prefer just typing the commands into chat over using the clunkyconsole. Would be nice if more people actually got TFP to listen and properly implement /textcommands so they are not seen by every connect client in the main chat.
Next coming improvement is a more official 7dtd kraftzone website, though an ingame mobarena's like minecraft bukkit version will be attempted after a10 release.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer:
I forgot to mention a few other things that were added
/who - checks to see who is in the nearby distance (~100 block).. shows distance, and compass direction to that player) Its not really intended for pvp hunters, more for paranoid builders who like to know if someone is approaching nearby lol
Server backups are made every 12hrs (automated timestamp backup only on regions covered by landclaims (huge reduction in not backing up every explored region map size is frigging huge now)) and are kept for atleast a week.
In the event an area is maliciously griefed (doesn't happen much after eac, almost like all this backup stuff that got made was pointless ) staff and myself can check to see who has been in the area and deal with them via ban or warning depending on severity.
Although not yet implemented for player usage yet, the command /areacheck <timespan 5m, 1d > <area max is 100block radius> will probably be added after a10. It will let you know who has been in and out of the area in the timespan given, also nice if you just like to know who has been looking around your base while you've been away
Region restoration from griefs can be scheduled for server restarts using last backup.
Player positions are logged (tracked in detail if the player is in area claim that they are not owner of, wilderness position tracking is less often) Anyone thinking of using hacks and greifing protected areas should be aware that any greifing depending on seriousness will result in being blocked from the server with a steam id and ip ban.
Server: Websites: | |
Official Trailer: