Last seen: Jun 25, 2014
Blue that seems correct actually. Brick Why dont you learn to Play MC the right way learn Redstone Real good learn unique Archtecture and make a great...
Ok w/e Brick Fucking Leave YOur going to get banned soon
Brick Your Boyfriend can do anything. Koolio You seee the theats he is making. you need to take action
I am Done With It because Being immature Leaves a bad rep. Just like you have. It is immature i dont care who griefs i dont care if obama griefs its i...
Lol Griefing Isnt Immature? Ok its just ruining peoples hard work and stuff thats all right? Your fucking dumb. and im only raging and cursing at you ...
KOOLIO PLEASE READ!!! Koolio if you stand by and read what he just said and not do anything is beyond me..Brick you made a threat that if Koolio bans ...
Look im sorry But for one post im going to rage. Brick you fucking piss me the fuck off. Ruining Peoples hard work and their frustration is just compl...
Stuff Brick Should Do/Already Is1.Leave KZ if you hate everybody then Dipshit2. IMmature Greifer3. Fails at trolling4. Should Leave KZ5. Bashes Everyo...
Lies Will be Made...Promises Will be broken. Please Do something about this before something wrong happens..And we are harboring Griefers ..who even h...
Sly Wanna Relax?
I'm sure everyone would agree on this griefing is childish in the amount of time I had minecraft I never griefed hard works people spent time and...
No im no immature this fght was about fighting with PKC s shut youtrap and "griefing team"? thats immature because ur ruining peoples hard-w...
1.This was a week ago 2. brick all i have to say is all you do is bash,start shit and run away, and wont shut up. Very Mature Of You Correct? Thats Wh...
already not trying to be mean *
Stop saying you found a better server and just leave already not trying to but really
Brick Just shows what your becoming...im glad your on edge leaving not trying to be mean but youve been degrading everyone discouraging them for tryin...
Thanks blue i really have invested in a change and i will sell you my town now for 1.4 i just need to find a place to build a nice house so gimme a fe...
Brick your words dont affect me anymore...your just trying to act cool...alot of people love having me on the server. U have like nobody that wants u ...
No Brick You Should Leave. All You do is Start shit, bash people, act tough then run away,...yea i should leave..ok
can anyone not connect to the server?