This sticky thread is not aimed at anyone in particular as its been written as a reminder to all new and old staff/support at Kraftzone. I try to choose staff who are already loyal and help out the server as much as they can. Now that cannot always be witnessed, so voting for the server is one of the few things I can check to see if you are at least taking the small amount of time to go and vote.
It's not something I'm asking any of you to do every day/24hrs and never forget a day or more. I know voting at server lists can be a forgettable thing. And it might not seem important compared to actually being active on the server and helping out, however it does at least show you care to bother and it does help the servers rank.
So it needs to be said that not voting for Kraftzone and not talking to me about things with a good reason for why that is, will not necessarily be good enough to keep your Staff/Support rank when there are other players who are voting.
If you haven't voted in over 4weeks considering your rank held here on a thin string. I think that is more than reasonable if you aren't providing any good reason. And do not think making a vote now and then leaving it for another few weeks will go unnoticed.
Consider this sticky post the only thing I want to say about this. I might not always ask you about why you aren't voting much or remind you about it, as I leave that upto you.
Until such a time as voting for the server is not something that helps Kraftzone, try to let me know if you are unable too thanks.
/total [<playername>]
Shows stats including when you or another player, have last voted at each particular voting site. It is helpful for seeing when it is possible to vote again instead wasting time voting before 24hrs have expired.
One last thing, you should try to encourage players to vote if you are helping them out and they haven't voted in a while or not at all. There is however no rules or conditions on a player not voting meaning you can refuse to help them.
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