<Staff need a list of all the minigame arena joining cmds /warps that have been setup and done last month thanks>
Also if someone would like to volunteer to go through all the /warps list or /list warps -one of them, there is a ton of warps in there that need checking and names of those warps putting down if they do not already exist as a /quickwarp like the below ones, if the location the warp goes to is good enough that is (ie the location is worth visiting, kz history, an old town etc)
command /survival: trigger: make console execute command "/warp player %player% Wilderness_3" command /enchantshop: trigger: make console execute command "/warp player %player% EnchantShop" command /boatrace: trigger: make console execute command "/warp player %player% boatrace" command /parkour: trigger: make console execute command "/warp player %player% parkour" command /cityworld: trigger: make console execute command "/warp player %player% Cityworld"
We can also do with a new wilderness spawn in the 1.7 amp world..new location (could expand the worldborder if nothing can be found that isn't near towns etc)
Shortcut commands for all minigames
command /skyspleef: trigger: make player execute command "/spleef join Skyspleef"
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
/GG join - Which is gungame and theres 2 arenas for it, Gungame and GGbro
/CQ join - Which is Conquer which 1 arena is set up for, that is woods.
Thats it so far havent set up or heard anything about anymore being set up
Most other games it seems so far, notably seabattle, Skywars, trap door spleef and snake seemed and were reported as not working.
Others haven't been set up or tested yet.