i can post on it to
you are a psycho and you are trying to drive me off the server
saying "we need to demtoe a staff" all the time, Indirectly mentioning me. and making posts like me giving seb money? this is an OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope something is done about this, you claimed to leave, and yet... YET!!!! (though you probably cleared things up with the people you like :D, since there not like "WTF, makes a quitting post and comesback XD")
everyday is just sad, i cant even think anymore, the thing i love and care about so much someone just wants it gone so bad 🙁
not to mention the FORGIVENESS post which was nothing but a direct attack to try to harm me.
I do think its kinda fucked and funny you said where leaving, you dident make it a post 😀 so i guess its just another form of a guilt trip.
Im really tired of this. Like the "KOTTLIKESDICKS". THAT WAS FROM HER TROLLING KEEVIN WITH /KILL or making them fall ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS AND HE WENT BANNAS AND DID SOME MUFFFED UP STUFF!!!! I dont know the full storys with seb, but i do know for a fact you harassed keevin, and your trying to make me feeling like a worthless piece of shit.
but nothing will be done and MISERY will be ensured 😀
I said "sea you would be good as staff". Wow. overreacting much? also all these fights... stop trying sirmrmansheep it's ridicoulous. i hate all these fights going on all the time but it's hard ignoring when you read what you and more has said in front of new people, which is giving them a less good time while seeing a person talking bad about others, whats up with that? im only doing what i am supposed to do. if you dont think so, then fine.
ps: if a was a psycho i dont think i would play mc
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sebb and odel100 i don't know why you guys need to add more beef into this.. I don't know if you guys will do or say the same things again but I'm pretty sure that you don´t want a consequence. The next time you want to make her leave or say harsh comments about her a warning will be your first warning and last warning. After a warning, you will have to cooperate with Kott or else I'll temp ban you for 1 day. I think seems fair after all you've done in the past. Hope you'll think before doing certain things 😛
Anyways back to where Kot and SirMrManSheep doesn't cooperate well... about what she did to Keevin
I think you each have excellent points to tell but you both had bad points.
Kot has done ok but she should of instead punish him in a different way then killing him and kinda abusing her powers. Kot is Staff yes but it
doesn't she has the rights to over use her powers
Sheep has done great to yell at her when she was abusing (killing and trolling Keevin). But you shouldn't have taken the same team as someone you should of been neutral. If you stayed neutral and say that both were wrong by doing both actions I think you wouldn't be sad 2 days ago.
Staff should be there because their duties are to keep an eye on other players and other Staff members as well. They should be there because when there are big fights and disruptive chat they can solve it by a warning. A staff isn't there to abuse or stand on the same team as another. The Staff should stand neutral and solve the situation by saying both did bad actions and they should try to learn from it and never do it again.
Both of you have bad and good points. Hope you learn from them and never do it again. 😀
thanks for the critique johnpohn (yes i call you johnpohn you called me unicorn)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)