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So, whitef9 informed me about /warps eventarea griefed. So I came to check it out and indeed it was massively griefed and whitef9 can also destroy some blocks but he can't place..Some screenshot's
I tried checking the logs to see the griefer, However, It wont show on the logs...
I can't post any more 'cause my Image hosting site is being stupid...
Posted : 24/01/2013 11:00 am
QuantumToaster and fishmannyj have come forward and given back the irno blocks, but sold some of it to build a town, i caught spraky selling the blocks, it took a /kill for him to give the iron blocks, and Dilly hasn't been on.
Also Appleforge had outsider destroy on for some reason.
Posted : 25/01/2013 3:10 am