the reason why i bring this up is because last night a donator was advertizing a server (Bekwon) and i think there should be some "guidelines" to keep the rank, and should include no advertizing as a strict rule for donators, along with other stuff, now i did warn him, he continued in private messages so i gave him one last warning, then kicked him for continuing, then he stopped but some people say he was advertizing all night. I just think if you donate you should not try to steal players for other servers, and think that the donator rank, since it can be powerful, should have more rules or just have it so that it doesn't seem like your a member with more stuff but have donators be held with higher responsibilities, and the advertizing is just one thing along with others like, handing out items, and some past reports with people who hold donators rank, i think maybe they do this because they think, "i have donator rank, koolio wont refund it, just in case ill do this when no one is around", idk just an idea. I just think players treat it as member with added bonus, not as a rank where you have to be responsible, so maybe add a section on the donation page explaining rules if we dont have it, or add it as a how to guide on the wiki?
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
I'm planning on updating the donation or after page that donators will get access to which will have more stuff and guidelines.
However yes all players should be following the same /rules, is no donation rank that gives them right to just spam advertise. I'm not sure what is up with advertising that bekwon has been doing, but he has already been warned by me for doing in the public chat.
Will talk to him about it.
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ok just wanted to know because some may act like some rule dont apply since they have this or that, or maybe the page after you donate is a reminder and says you will be held at higher responsibility since you have more stuff and you are not just a member you can't expect to do stuff when no staff is around and get away since your a donator.
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story