Dear Mr. Koolio,
I apologize. I, Narutoitachi152, made a grave mistake on January 4th, 2013. This does not make-up for what I did, but I am hoping that you will see me in a more forgiving light for what I did. Perhaps you will forgive me today, or perhaps a month from now, or perhaps never. But I wrote this to say that I'm sorry and hope that you will forgive me.
Always ready to help, always ready to play, always ready to put you away!
Someday, I'll be Hokage, believe it!
A grave mistake is understatement, I expected better of someone in your position on my server. You have that position because I trust you and you have earned it .Yet you purposely removed a "COPY" of a building at the new spawn area out of spite to me! All because I had started making changes to it! I specifically asked you to keep a copy of the building, the intention being that you would still have your copy of it do with as you please, and should things with the building being at spawn area not work out, then nothing would be lost on your part. Did you just think I was going to accept that's the shop I was going to get, and that I shouldn't change anything about it? I'm sorry but I want the new spawn area to be a lot better and if I have to do it myself to get it to a point that I'm happy with it, then I will do so without help even if it does take longer. If you can't collaborate on building something with me and allow me the freedom to make changes to something you have done, and don't want to tell me that you want it leaving as it is, then that is a communication barrier that should not exist when you are at that rank.
And FYI to all, this building is a new adminshop that Naruto was working on for the new spawn area, he wanted to be the one who built it and it could showcased at the new spawn area (and I wish that could have been the case but this is my new spawn area), you obviously had no calms over ytsen collaborating on your building either.
So that just tells me a few things: 1. You are not on board with what I want to do with the new spawn area and how I might want it to look like. 2 You don't respect my wishes, no matter how you might not like them. 3 You don't communicate with me properly, because you should have said you didn't want me changing the building. You probably didn't because you would know that I wouldn't accept the new building.
You have taken this way to personally for my liking in the position you are in. I cannot be dealing with that, if you don't want to help or get sick of things say so or do something else and don't bother helping. Now I like your buildings and the work you do to help on the server, but this has made me mad, mad that you wouldn't just leave my server in shame after doing that, mad that you would air this out publicly, and mad that I'm having to spend time writing this reply. If you don't like the way I do things and then leave! And lastly I don't want your sodding shop in new spawn area at all now. Of course that should not matter, because you lost something far bigger, you lost my respect and the rank you had.
I don't see how you can ask for forgiveness or your rank back so soon, because it just makes light of what you did and I do not like spiteful people one bit. I also don't see how you can make it up, you should learn from this is all I can say.
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I did overstep my position when I deleted the copy of the shop. But I am human like everyone else. I made a mistake. Yes, you are right, I should have told you that I didn't want you to change it from the way it was. I do respect your wishes and I do like the way your new spawn was turning out. I respect how you run the server.
But what I have to say is that you also did not ask if you could change the building, even if it was a copy. I got angry because the building that I built for the new spawn was accepted when you told me to move it into the new area. I did not expect that you would try to change it. If you wanted to do so, you also could have asked. I didn't feel that it was necessary to tell you not to change something I built. And the reason I didn't have a qualm over Ytsen collaborating is because he asked if he could help. He then made his own copy and asked about how it looked.
So what I have to say is that I respect your decisions, but I wish that you would also communicate with me more before making decisions that may influence me as well. I expected at least because of my position. I feel that what I did was wrong, though, because you had started to work on it. I am human and made a very poor decision.
I'm sorry.
Always ready to help, always ready to play, always ready to put you away!
Someday, I'll be Hokage, believe it!
Ok I'm calling this resolved and apology accepted, you can have your rank back.
A few things to add...
"I got angry because the building that I built for the new spawn was accepted when you told me to move it into the new area. I did not expect that you would try to change it."
It was never accepted as a final building you assumed that and I didn't outright say that wasn't going to be the end look. I thought it would be better if a copy was moved to the new spawn to see where it could fit in and so additional changes and moderations to the building could take place in the spawn world where I could see the kind of style I was going for, because nothing about this new spawn is finalized if things don't fit they'll will just get moved and hopefully used for something else.
Honestly how you could not have just known I would make changes to the building that was being put in the new spawn, I find that baffling as that is what you built it for. You should know that I'm ultimately going to have final say on how its to look even if the last thing remaining that is your input in the buildings overall design is just a small part. I didn't expect you to have an issue with that and I'll still remain disappointed in you for that because that is not the Naruto I promoted.
"I didn't have a qualm over Ytsen collaborating is because he asked if he could help"
I too would ask if it was ok to make changes to someone elses project or building if I it was going to be some big changes, otherwise I would be fine with putting things back, just as I would be fine with them taking something I made for them (or their project) and tearing it right down to last brick because they wanted to do it differently. You have to accept that and just know yourself what you contributed to it, because even the smallest things can inspire others to work off from.
If that is not something you can accept then you should not to get involved in building things for others, because that is not how things work with design and collaborating with others.
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