why r u mad at me? im not jealous, i was a bit jealous before but it went over im actually really happy for you, and i never ment to hurt you when i said ''yay ur =staff now'' SirMrManSheep, just calm down dont send me 20 fucking messages, 1 whole pm is enough?...yes i will make a forum cus i do not think you shouldve freaked and called me jealous miserable person ;u;
I'm enjoying playing now as the most ever, and then i dont want fights. SirMrManSheep.
Explain this please ???
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dont message me asking about "some people told me you gave lot of op tools and i saw to" then "never mind" what? why does it matter unless your trying to make a big deal out of something, like this hahahahah you made a fourm post good job! if you dont want to fight, dont mail me somebullshit like i gave "tones" of op weps like i committed a fucking crime, then say never mind and say "it wasent ment for you" BULLSHIT LIAR YOU SAAID THAT WAS TO XXDARKXSPARTANXX and he cant get shit for op tools, why you lying?? Now you make a fourm post to garnish some sympathy for something u attempted to manipulate into you looking like you just a bullied victim. Its funny , i knew you try to message me about to start trouble and boom, heres trouble. So is this what will make me lose my rank? because that what it sureou what seems like. "You want me to get demoted SirMrManSheep" Nope never really made a post about it, but i did have to respond to things so i dont look like a liar/troublemaker (Too late) anyway yeah so tell me your reason for message me about tools of giving people instead of lying. Please
no need to respond other people we're friends now xD (i think?)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You guys are so complicated, did you know that?
Not at all...haha ;P Arguements 24/7. Kinda gotten used to it. 😉
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I only have 5 friends on Kz out of 20, i hate the rest of em (hehe) *not 100% all of them* but like ill help them too ogx but if they start bitching im like bring it on, bitch (i always win the arguements ofc) then the loser makes a complaint forum, i get a warning, and so on..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)