Ok so this might be a tad long, but there is something all of you should read.
This is surrounding the players kott, brandon, sheep,johnny, caleb and myself
So this is whats is going to change, Kott has been givin a warning about her previous grief on zking. She was givin a warning by kooglio(Her secound warning) So she has already faced the consequences of that ordeal and it no longer needs to be mentioned. I see she currently had a altercation with brandon? I cant believe you guys. I mean really i cant, do you not see the double standard here? They both screw with each other. Brandon will start insulting her or trying to get a rise out of her, and he succeeds! She will /kill him and get him pissed and she succeeds! I don't want to even see another post by one of them complaining about the other because they both are are fault in this. So let me make this something you can all understand
Kott will no longer be antagonized by brandon, or caleb, or sheeP, or dark. I dont even want to see you guys saying something like "Trying to fit your 13 year old boobs in" Because they is so insulting and disturbing and a good way to make your self look like a complete hypocrite. This goes for addressing her with an insult of any kind when she gets on.
Also about giving OP items. Johnny and sheep.... Man this is really something trying to say that i've been giving him Op items? Right well I'll try and find the ones ive made him, oh wait i havent seen those only the ones i have stacked for him. So lets see Coacoa beans, herrier strikes, the bowl i mean really guys I've been doing it! I dont see a single damn new weapon or tool he has obtained by me so you two can point at each other for this one. Am i a pal of brandons? Yeah i am i like him he is funny and he cool, but do i think he needs to change his prospective a little bit on how he handles people and staff? yeah i do. So from this point on no one is to give brandon a single OP item new or old. Not a tool, not even an enchanted steak. I dont care if my friend thinks i'm a dick or dislikes me. Its injustice and i dont take sides.
Now i'm going to address caleb, Thank you for donating! But i cant condone a followers complex. Simply just agreeing with seaofpain(brandon) about kott, and seeing your guys personal messages about her is really saddning to see from you. You need to be your own person and try to make a judgement for your self, and not just follow what the others are saying.
Sheep, I really think you're an awesome guy, but you really dont want to go down a bad road with me. So if you have any concerns about me giving items, or how i perform my job, i suggest you talk to me about it. We clear on that?
So to everyone now, Kott is on her 2nd warning do not insult he and try to get a rise out of her and i will talk ot her about handling things better, becuase she really can be a nice person with a big heart. So im not buddy buddy with anyone, i dont care if i seem like a bad guy. Just everyone stop. If i see anyone ANYONE even staff starting fights with her, or trying to get reaction from her to make petty fourm posts then we will see how things play out between us.
I strongly suggest you guys read every bit of this. I will talk to kooglio about a rational outcome for kotts rank, and other players standing in this server, becuase from what ive been seeing kott, isnt the only one who should be banned.
yeh im sorry it was a bad decision on my part
Deadpool 🙂
Wtf mate, do you not understand it's not me who is giving the items to him. If it's not you then I dont know who it might be. I might of given him items before but not anymore so I'd be glad to not hear anyone telling me that I gave him those items. If you have proof then I want to hear it but I hope it's constructive. I've learned my mistakes and all but accusing someone like me without any evidence.
I'm 100% sure that I didn't give him those new items.
I do understand, and i never said you personally did i? No i just said trying to blame it on me is some utter bullshit that i wont humor. Also evidence is something that should be applied both ways so i will also need that evidence that i have given him any new weapons.
Finally! some peace and quiet regarding this pointless fight
Ok woombo, johnny and sheep, stop pointing names at eachother I bet all 3 of you have him items A LONG TIME ago, and recently didn't, you guys basically stopped, since the 1st complaint about his weapons, right ? so like no reason I bet sea just has alot of the op tools hidden or something and then when u loses 1, he'll just get another~ so yeah no reason pointing names at eachother.
DUDE WOOMBO I DIDENT MEAN TO GET MAD A YOU THE OTHER DAY IM SORRY THE EGGSPLOADER SHIT HAS GOTTEN INTO MY BRAIN MAN, I LOST IT MY BAD IM SORRY I REALLY DONT MEAN HARM, really i mean it, i dident mean to get upset or anything it my fault i woke on the wrong side of the bed tired as fuck bad thought in mind, iv dealt with that annoying ass eggsploader hitting me and i got spammed out to the point i couldent move, i was flying so i doube clicked space got out of range and in a rage /killed you. im sorry 🙁 i should have said you where spamming me out and i couldent type or move, instead i dropped and did that angrily. Really iv thought about it shouldent have done it. My bad, one of the times in life i actually am responsible fully for being a dick, but it happens :S
Blame you? I dident blame you at all man, not at all, i dont get where your getting i blamed you, or have ever question you as staff? If anyone is getting blamed its johnny, i mean shit i contributed to it to, but sea has had his weapons when i was a helper, and when you came back, when i was staff- and staff= i couldent make those tools, but sea always got them from johnny, so i simply just would give them to him if he lost them since i copied my own versions of them. I mean far as im concerned this whole thing blame need to just stop getting thrown around and when it his people need to stop resorting to the featle position and hiding from the truth. Thing is,
YES I GAVE PEOPLE OP WEAPONS AS -STAFF, ONLY THE UNBREAKING X KIND, AND BRANDONS DAMN TOOLS IV GIVEN BACK THAT HE HAD APPEAR TO HAD BE RESUPPLIED BY JOHNNY MULTIPLES TIMES!!!! AND THE UNBREAKING X????? HE GAVE A PLAYER HIS OWN SET OF NAMED TOOLS WITH UNBREAKING X TO A REGISTERED PLAYER, DONT BELIEVE ME? THEY WHERE THE TOOLS OF A PLAYER NAMED SOUL419: SOULS COMBAT AXE, SOULS COMBAT AXE, SOUL SHOVEL AND SOUL PICK. THEY FEATURED A UNBREAKING X ENCHANT INWHICH I CLONED AND CREATED MY OWN VERSION OF "Strong" Tools. They had strong in front of what it was. There is small existence of these tools, i believe only 3 swords i ever gave out, and most of the tools have been removed somehow. I never gave that much out, and it was only unbreaking X, so yeah there pretty damn tough tools, but they cant wreck no true havac and cant cheat the item amounts they obtain, other then effecting the need for repairs, its pretty harmless, Well until people start begging and complaining. I have named a couple weapons, but thats all on begging and demand. but i think there should be a way as i said for players to pay for special named weapons.
I have givin brandon a new form of a hax, and i think woombo gave him the sword, i have givin him fire and airstrikes before to be honest. But, he already had tools = op to any tools he has received. Dont matter if enchants are a bit different both versions of the Op hax will kill in 1 hit. I ever gave him alot more tools before yes it become a real problem and as i said something could have been done but why?
Thing is i dont think anybody is getting or understanding or really beginning to even think is that brandon was already getting givin op tools before me or woombo were support and there was only ONE FUCKING SUPPORT around. Honestly because of this i am a stupid idiot for thinking becuase a support does something like gives op weapons to someone and i just copy them so i have my own and when the person loses them they get upset and want new weps, he will get new ones i had seen it before, minigames kept whiping his invs, so i ended up just giving him more awhile back. It was before koolio took them from him and he just had more, and i though hmmm, i should do something to maybe permanently rid of the situation, but i dont want to go do something and he just gets the tools back, and i look like a desperate crook trying to rid of a weapon. Plus i dont want to deal with problems on here like this, like right now, apparently a ghost gave sea op weps when i was helper, and i did something pretty rude to woombo, since i mean its not to do with this, but its like i never said anything about woombo giving them and if he did, as i said, brandon already had them. I guess giving some people to Unbreaking X was stupid since i saw a dang registered player with them.
The honestly only answer to why i wouldent try to just end it where it was is because to me , and i feel that i was wrong completely, is that maybe giving them a good weapon my appeal them more, so they play and overall keeps server moral high, but WRONG!!!! low. Beggers want the tools to bad, and the people with them have like ego trips with them showing them off and acting cool. So its just balony. but if i just eradicated them, yeah it would be better. Since then no one would be complaining about them. I mean its like damn.
Point is, johnny gave him his tools and had seen he would give them to him if he lost them, so if i could just give them to him, he wont be mopey or sad what i figured, i mean, as far as im concerned as i said it doesent bother mean but it bothers other he has them, i even gave him the "Hackified hax XD
Ok sheep, i suppose i miss read what you were saying in the last post made by johnny. I duplicated his arm and tools aswell so i think were in the same boat in that regard since i also kept givin him those items back. And dont worry about the eggsploder issue thats water under the bridge. J
Maybe we should just act instead and work on obtaining some of the OP items he has?
This seems intresting
Mess with the best, die with the rest
This id weird how you guys arent opening your minds up. Clearly before I was support he already had those items. Noticing it now means you think it was me but it wasnt neccessarily me. Okay, I might of given him some items but Koolio also made it clear to not use them in fights. If you really want to ask Brandon who were the item providers it be my pleasure. Things you need to know about me is that I'm not stupid even though I'm 14.
And blaming someone who was the only support doesnt make him the first provider. It could of been another support before me. I'm not saying this because I didnt provide any items to seaofpain but other Staff members has given him items as well.
I think its time to drop this johnny. Who ever did or did not do it dose not matter. What really matters is why we let it continued till it became a problem. Seaofpain is not a staff, or a support so i don't really see why he deserves it more than the next guy. He has not proven he can be responsible with them by any means. you could make the argument that he is "loyal" and so forth but that dose not mean he can run around nilly willy one hitting new players or breaking moderatly older players armour. He is the perfect example of a player who got wayyy to close with staff members, so much so he was able to persuade them to let him have these items. I for one have already made the first step by taking away some of his items, but they were replaced and kooglo dose not seem to mind so i will not bother him anymore about his items, just let it be known i personally don't like the idea and the entitlement aspect.
I for one think its about time we continued to build and supply the server with better builds and updated hubs/games. that what are worry should be, not "johnny did it, or sheep did it, or woombo did it" Its pointless and its not helping anything. So let us just attempt to cut the shit and realize what we need to change not who is to blame for this and that.
I personally think that demoting kott was a good idea and that maybe giving her a break from staff could really show we dont tolerate immaturity in our upper ranks. I think that if not all, most of brandons pvp items should be removed. I think tools like axe and pickaxe and shovel don't cause harm but i still don't see why he is more deserving of them none the less, hate me for having a different opinion i suppose.
These issues should have been taken care of but it didn't. We underestimated him and he got away with his items. I understand that this doesn't go anywhere, blaming another for this and that. If we wanna change the time has come. No more will someone deserve items like him, items like these cause trouble and serious problems to the server. It should even be banned from the server. Items shouldn't be trusted to players because as of events even with the longest trust it shouldn't be something to be given to players.
This issue made an unbalance which made an huge inequality on the server. I think the objective for the year 2015 is that we correct our mistakes, make better and efficient decisions and expand the server with more towns, players, maps, buildings, etc..
The future awaits us! 😀 Good day
I feel really stupid for not taking responsibility, and i'm so sorry for that, it's been so much. But these last days i've ''grabbed my tshirt'' and acted more mature, more online, there for the players. Well my 2015 Wish, is for me to be a much better person, more mature, more online etc. I hope you understand that it has been hard to control my immaturity in due to others who tend to get me more mad than others. But we've said sorry to each other now. With so many arguements it feels so unbalanced at KraftZone. So i hope everyone can stay out of fights [cough me cough] and hopefully the community will grow, and we can all have a really great time.
I hope you all agree with me.
Happy 26.th December 😉
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)