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i recently downloaded
Atherys Ascended(texture pack) and when i tryed to
use it it gust set's me off to defulty(can't spell it right)
and tryed to install other mods with mcpacter and the
blocks had a missing texture
so help me?
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Posted : 19/08/2013 8:02 am
I had the same problem, that's why i don't use texturepacks
Posted : 19/08/2013 8:38 am
Topic starter
i try'ed bodel40's texture pack and it work fine for
me but for Atherys Ascended(texture pack) it gust
send me to defulty
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Posted : 19/08/2013 8:54 am
All packs send me to defaulty 😮
Posted : 19/08/2013 8:55 am