Yeah nam, pleth and a couple other noobs have quantum or click me because they both bypass nocheat. Nam started flying without a fly disc and pleth, you can't go near cause he hits you in a 20 block radius. Make it less obvious o.O
A;so, when they hit you when not logged in, you bounce of like 3-4 feet. 😛
I was pvping pleith and I couldn't go near him and there was no lag. It was like a 7 block hit radius all around him. So I kept bouncing back and I hit him off of a cliff. His sword wast sharp 3 fire 2 but it did as much damage as sharp 10 I had fire prot4 armor with prot4 armor and it did 2 hearts a hit without the fire. And pleith pvp logs.
Pleith has a radius of the close range weapon would have. He has a 360 radius because he has aimbot, which lets him lock onto you while his view is spazzing out. Same goes with nam.
Think dirt is useless? Think again.