Minecraft has benifits but it also has costs.
Not trying to make anyone leave im just stating the facts.
Minecraft has caused relationship problems, change in weight, sleep reduction, obsession.
I know i almost lost a friend thru mc, i have gained like 7lbs, ive lost 3hrs of sleep each night, and i cant stop playing on kz.
Go ahead and vent your feeling to the talking pepsi can ~Pepsi PHD-
I cant really build anything.
Lol, for me, the weight loss and friends loss and relationship loss and obsession is not true.
But I have been sleep deprived..........
relationship problems: single and forever alone ;(
Change in weight: so that means i can lose weight sleep reduction: not on my parents watch 😛
obsession: POTATOES
Nuf said
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Relation ship problems: None I am dating :3
Weight change: None
Sleep Reduction: 2hrs (not because of mc)
Obsession: (Not MC)
Nuf said
Relationship problems: Got married to a dirt blawk
Weight change: Gained OVAR 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sleep Reduction: 1/2 of my full sleeping time (which is around 10-12hr)
Lunar said
Think dirt is useless? Think again.
Relationship Problems: Engaged to my computer
Weight change: Lost weight because i play KZ so much i skip breakfast sometimes
Sleep Reduction: LOLOLOLOLOL whats sleep?
Obsession: Muffins, dinosaurs, anything Nintendo, and MC.
I hath spoken