There are some new Croatain guys that speak croatian only by them selfes.I'm so fucking sick of it.I can't take it anymore!!When i say they're names to stop speaking that lenguage they answer me on croatian.Koolio should make seperate chat for people from other countrier cuz nobody uses /msg. Also some of the new people that join leave cuz they think its a croatian server or even cuban.
that's not the point
some players leave because maybe they don't understand the login thing
that happend to me when i was new to Kz
and how will koolio do that?
that means koolio will have to make a lot the country thing
from USA to pilipines to alot
but even so i still agree
Mess with the best, die with the rest
Might add "This is an English speaking server, please use /msg or towny chat for other languages"
on join so all new players see it
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"New" croation guys.....
<none of that Dilly>
That's a good idea.But most of these croatians are ARF_trooper_boil and muphy's friend.These croatian guys also tp kill i guess muphy learnt them.By the way muphy is back being tp killer and spammer.I still agree to be demoted or baned.