Hey Woombo here!
I'm going to be active on KZ more these coming months/ years. I was not very active after i decided to to a break, and only came on to say hi once and awhile. I see that the community has come along way, and the current staff are very helpful which makes me remember why this server is my favorite. I'm currently going to college for my Masters Degree in Chemistry teaching so i'm doing mostly Minecraft and school work and should not affect how active i am. For those who were affect negatively from when i was support rank, i apologize greatly. I have since then matured greatly even though I my act/spell very childish at times. This server is a great way for me to vent and hangout with everyone and allows me to relax. Now if we currently have had any animosity i'm also sorry. Please forgive myself. I'm going to be on the server a lot more, so if you need any help please feel free to ask my self. I'm pretty cool.
''I'm pretty cool.''
-I can get you a stripper?
me: im a girl
-oh i can get you a male one 😉
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
:)Yes sir. I Forgive you sir.
welcome back woombo, u da best. nuff' said.
well... ur like 2nd best. im like numba 1. so yeah.
creeper read skype lmao
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
welcome back woombo, u da best. nuff' said.
well... ur like 2nd best. im like numba 1. so yeah.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH it goes koolio, johnny, woom, sea, vin, Sir, flame, You
Sorry for all I forgot