Minecraft ign: jp123loz
Age: 16
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
How long have you been playing on kraftzone?
-300+ hrs since June
What interests you in becoming mod/admin?
-I would like to help out in having more staff online, also in hopes of improving my building with access to creative
What are your best qualities?
-I like turtles, and pandas, and stuff. I can draw good, I'm rather neutral on everything, so I don't get up in a knot over arguments.
Tell us about yourself! we are very interested too see what kind of person you are.
-I'm a HS sophomore, I'm rather smart, I like to build on MC, and I think rap is awful.
Thanks for looking over this application, I know there are others who have just as much, if not more reason to be staff, but this is my shot at Staff. Iknow some basic commands, but I'm a fast learner, and very cool-headed.
Well well well ...
...if this isn't the most awesome staff app/video ever..
I mean I'd have to be like, stooopid, to not give you a staff position 😀
So welcome jp123loz, you have raised the bar for staff applications and got yourself that rank.
Server: mc.kraftzone.net Websites: http://kraftzone.net | http://7dtd.tk | http://kraftwars.net
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4vN366_94Y&hd=1
I still like my video staff app better 😛
Thanks Koolio 😀
Also, ffs Sly, why are you so funny?
Now I feel like makeing one but On Kz JP you should show koolio you can WE too see if he give you suppord too cx jk But im going too make one now >:O
jp the first 2 minutes of your video were amazing. you should make more of stuff like that
I still have my machinima idea, i just need to work out the entire script, I already have the main jokes and what-not
Congrats jp123loz on the awesome staff application I'm bummed i can't get on to train you 🙁 I'll try to get on ASAP
You should, I have no ideas on some cmds :/
That's all you need.
You should, I have no ideas on some cmds :/
Well a few helpful cmds are:
/spawner (mob) to set mobs
/tp (username) teleport to players to monitor them or if they need help
/m (message) send messages in mod chat, a chat channel for staff and up
/mute (player)(time) mute players if they are being disrespectful or caps locking; time codes 1m=1 minute 1s=1 second 1h=1 hour
/kick (player)(reason)kick players if they are being extremely disrespectful; this is to be used sparingly only for really bad offenses
I also recommend you screenshot evidence of all mutes and kicks just to be sure they can't question your reasoning for kicks and mutes.
Those are a few helpful/common ones. Tell me in this forum topic if you have any questions. 😀
wtf.. sly.....