Minecraft ign: BrandonPKC
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout):[Update] 812:41:28
What interests you in becoming mod/admin?:I know the commands, I can control spam, and I'm on most of the time trying to help when staff or support aren't on.
What are your best qualities?: I'm on KZ alot.
Tell us about yourself! we are very interested too see what kind of person you are:I'm Asian, Chinese/Vietnamese. I plan on building a budget pc, and I'm able to shut people up without using caps, but if things get out of hand, I'll use my capslock. :3
The badass ~Central 😀
Lol, except for the last part, I thought it was pretty decent
Updated! 😀
Support+ 😀
Eww its a Brandon
Like Koolio said before, it's not really about the staff app, but about the person 😛 I think Brandon would be a good new staffmember...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Eww its a Brandon
eww its a jesison
I think Brandon would be a good staff member. IF he was less quick to resort to yelling to solve problems. He needs to work on that before being considered to be a staff member.
Always ready to help, always ready to play, always ready to put you away!
Someday, I'll be Hokage, believe it!
Lol I think it's amusing how instead of bumping the post he just adds [UPDATE] and nothing is updated xD
I cant really build anything.
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout):772:52:27
That's bullshit, how do u have that much time?
I cant really build anything.
i think that is more then koolio and last i heard koolio has the highest play time 😀
Playing games for the graphics is like watching p0rn for the story
Nah, Koolio still has the most playtime...
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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i think that is more then koolio and last i heard koolio has the highest play time 😀
Pfft.. Koolio has over 1700hrs 😛
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout):772:52:27
That's bullshit, how do u have that much time?
Lol, I joined a while ago, and I go on for longer periods of time than I should.
How long have you been playing on kraftzone? (You can use "/totalplaytime" to findout):772:52:27
That's bullshit, how do u have that much time?
Lol, I joined a while ago, and I go on for longer periods of time than I should.
Everyone in this server SHOULD, be playing outside and getting exercise.
And studying if in school, or going to school (which is what i do in my spare time if there isnt a football game on :D)
But that was a bit off track, I agree that you'd get staff, if you had more patience on issues before saying:
Other then that, and the constant bugging people of no caps (Along with you RedArrow :P) you deserve it.
i think that is more then koolio and last i heard koolio has the highest play time 😀
Pfft.. Koolio has over 1700hrs 😛
Out of those 1700hrs or so he 'played', i bet he was afk for 1200 of them xD
the constant bugging people of no caps (Along with you RedArrow :P) you deserve it.
Indeed, there has to be someone else in my struggle against caps 😛
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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Seems Legit.