Name: John
Rank: M+
Age: 12
Playtime: 19 days
Votes: 116
Rank Wanted: Staff because i wanna help out people and make sure no 1 griefs or spawn kills
Reason: I have really wanted staff when i started the server i was new so i did not know what to do and now i know alot of commands i maneged to get better at the time and i just love how koolio makes the server u know so i wish i could get Staff and try and make the server alot better i know we have great staff but mostly they dont vote which is sad and i dont like how Staff Troll so much i get pissed when that happens to me.
I'll be back soon.
Denied for you from me....
Why not add more like more info to this staff app.
LoneWolf, what info do you mean?
As you might know, staff is not based on a single application, but on ingame achievements.
Cigarettes are like squirrels. They're perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
Never apologize, you are already too late when you want to.
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