Minecraft IGN: SnowAOS
Age : 13
Date of application: December 24, 2012
Current Rank: Member+
Time Zone: (GMT+8:00) Singapore
Date Joined: September 22, 2012
Total Playtime: 449:53:10
Average Playtime everyday: 4 - 11 Hours.
Why do you want to be a -Staff?
-I want to help out by being online everyday to help out. Also, to improve the structure on my town.
Tell me about Yourself?
-I Like Dogs, and some other animals. I also spend time building Stuff on my town.
Main Reason to get -Staff?
-I don't have that much to tell but, I'm a fast learner with commands i've already experienced becoming a staff on another server. I know some commands a staff needs to learn.
Thanks for Reading, However, if the reasons i provided are not enough i could add more.
I, of course, am very fond of Snow 😀 (Even though he can be a jerk a once in a while :P)
I really believe he should get staff and he is 2nd on my list for it, (behind me of course :D)
If I wasn't on the list he would be first. He is a very sensible person (most of the time) and I could see him being a big help around the server.
I re-state this one more time. He deserves this position almost as much as me XD
So, I 100% think he deserves this position.
Good luck buddy :3